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Ako tražite prijevoznika putem Fuvarbörze-a, lako, brzo i bez obveza možete dobiti ponude od prijevoznika. Postavljanjem zahtjeva za prijevoz (e) možete uštedjeti vrijeme i novac. Dobivene ponude možete usporediti i, u odgovarajućem slučaju, prihvatiti najbolju ponudu.

Zahtev za ponudu za transport Prijevoz tereta (palete, kutije itd.) Prijevoz predmeta, opreme Prijevoz automobila Selidba

Értékelné a választ? 0 0

Tovább a kérdések-válaszok oldalra

Popis partnera za pretragu na Fuvarbörze

pridružio se prije više od 7 godina | Ocjena pouzdanosti partnera: nema negativnih informacija

ADS Kft.

Our goal is transportation. We undertake shipments quickly and practically.
pridružio se prije više od 4 godine | Ocjena pouzdanosti partnera: nema negativnih informacija

Platina Trans Rent Szállítmányozási Szövetkezet

Hungary Budapest, Üllői út 167, 1091 Magyarország
Contact us with confidence: https://hangyakoltoztetes.hu/ CHOOSE FROM OUR SERVICES! We offer the delivery of goods for companies (from factories, logistics centers, small and large businesses). Transport and assembly of furniture, equipment, cabins, large kitchen appliances. Transport of refrigerated goods between warehouses. Exchange/transport of goods between stores. Delivery to private individuals. Storage of complete sets for renovation or reconstruction. Furnishing of venues,
pridružio se prije više od 4 godine | Ocjena pouzdanosti partnera: nema negativnih informacija

Klein & Keszmann Trans Kft

Hungary 2031, Tarján Ságvári u 5
Dear Future Partner! Klein & Keszmann Trans Ltd. was established in 2018 as a family business. The owner and managing director first worked as a truck driver, then continued his activities as a sole proprietor until the establishment of the company, where he still works as a driver. Our main area of activity is primarily domestic transportation; we undertake freight tasks throughout Hungary, but we can also offer international transportation if needed. When starting our activities, accuracy,
pridružio se prije više od 4 godine | Ocjena pouzdanosti partnera: nema negativnih informacija

Balogh Béla EV.

Hungary Délegyháza, 2337 Magyarország
  I offer cargo transportation with a 3.5-ton, 10-pallet, tarpaulin-covered van. The internal usable loading area dimensions of the vehicle are: Length: 4.86 m Width: 2.22 m Height: 2.2 m Load capacity: 1.3 I have CMR and BÁF insurance. Company information: Client data sheet     Client name (company name): Balogh Béla Balázs Tax number / EU tax number: 56173271-1-33 Address: Country/Zip/City HU 2337 Délegyháza Address:
priključio se prije više od 2 godine | Ocjena pouzdanosti partnera: 5 izvrstan

H+D Logistic Kft

Hungary Jánoshalma, 6440 Magyarország
Naša tvrtka prvenstveno se bavi cjelovitom organizacijom transporta.   Pomažemo vam da vaša tvrtka donese najbolju odluku o prijevoznicima na temelju trenutnih trendova i logističkih aspekata   Trudimo se da koordiniramo svaki korak vaše robe, od narudžbe do isporuke kupcu   Uz nas, transport će biti u najboljim rukama, bilo da se radi o sirovinama ili gotovim proizvodima, važno nam je da budete informirani o svakom detalju vaše robe, čime nastojimo povećati vaše zadovoljstvo.
prije više od 11 godina pridružio se | Ocjena pouzdanosti partnera: 3.49 acceptable


International moving, transport. Hungary-Italy-Hungary express transport services.  Dear József Löffler! The Bisnode group (www.bisnode.hu) - present in 18 countries across Europe - offers a wide range of online marketing, risk management, and business information solutions that enable smart decisions. Our rating system considers several hundred variables and determines, based on statistical and expert foundations, the level of risk associated with companies and identifies those that stand
pridružio se prije više od 7 godina | Ocjena pouzdanosti partnera: nema negativnih informacija


Hungary Budapest, Magyarország
Kvalitetno, brzo seljenje u Budimpešti, transparentno i po pristupačnoj cijeni za svakoga. Naša tvrtka fleksibilno i na visokoj razini osigurava uslugu seljenja u Budimpešti. Naša firma potpuno je usmjerena na olakšavanje stresnog i napornog seljenja klijenata kako bi pronašli pouzdanog i korektnog partnera za prijevoz svog namještaja, vrijednosti, korištenih stvari i osobnih predmeta, te njihovo seljenje. Što možemo osigurati: kutije za seljenje ✔višestruka moderna dostavna
pridružio se prije više od 4 godine | Ocjena pouzdanosti partnera: nema negativnih informacija

DMP Logistic Kft.

Hungary Budapest, Dettai utca 1, 1171 Magyarország
DMP Logistic Ltd. is a responsible partner in transportation. Our company's reliability is built on the professional commitment of our colleagues. We are currently in contact with several different corporate groups. Our fleet, consisting of vehicles with a gross weight of 3.5 tons, is ready for further transport contracts. We consider it important to fulfill our orders to the complete satisfaction of our clients. Among our goals is the development of our business, which is why we do everything
pridružio se prije više od 1 godine | Ocjena pouzdanosti partnera: nema negativnih informacija

Bar-Log Kft

Hungary 2896 Szomód, Leshegy dűlő 152/11.
Your shipment can arrive by road, whether by air or sea transport, or by utilizing modern rail solutions from the Far East. Whether it concerns warehousing or customs services, if you need a reliable, competitive, and flexible logistics partner, please feel free to contact us with your request for a quote!
priključio se prije više od 2 godine | Ocjena pouzdanosti partnera: nema negativnih informacija

Kuci Express Sped Kft

Hungary Üllés, Magyarország
Kuci Express Sped Kft is a company that joined the European Freight Exchange freight broker platform more than six months ago. The partner's reliability rating: no negative information. They have experience in cargo transportation, logistics, and the provision of services. Contact details: Üllés, Hungary, phone number: +36202529007, email address: [email protected]. Their introduction is as follows: Organizing logistics

Our company primarily deals with the comprehensive organization of logistics.   "????"

We help you make the best logistics decision based on current trends and logistics aspects   "????"

We strive to coordinate every step of your cargo from order to delivery to the customer 

Your shipment will be in the best hands with us, whether it is raw materials or finished products, it is important to us that you receive updates on every aspect of the cargo as we strive to enhance your satisfaction.   "????"

   Reasons to work with us   "⤵️"

- Quick response to your offers "????""????"

- We consider it important that our fees are competitive

- Accurate payments, contracts fulfilled on time "????"


priključio se prije više od 5 godina | Ocjena pouzdanosti partnera: nema negativnih informacija


Hungary Soltvadkert, 6230 Magyarország
Extra-Plast Kft. Naša tvrtka počela se baviti obradom plastike 1980. godine, tada još kao pomoćna jedinica Vinogradarske zadruge. Proizvodnja je započela s 13 zaposlenih, a danas se proširila na 47 zaposlenih. Prošli smo uobičajenim putem, prvo smo obrađivali folije kupljene u Tiszaújvárosu od Tiszačke kemijske kombinacije. 1983. godine kupili smo naš prvi extruder za proizvodnju folija. Nakon kupnje prvog stroja, samostalno smo počeli proizvoditi polietilenske folije, koje smo
pridružio se prije više od šest mjeseci | Ocjena pouzdanosti partnera: nema negativnih informacija

Swiss Temp Logistics GmbH

Hungary Tulpenweg 2, 4625 Oberbuchsiten, Svájc
Swiss Temp Logistics GmbH is a Swiss-based company specializing in the transportation of temperature-sensitive goods across Europe. With over 20 years of experience, we offer tailored shipping solutions for pharmaceuticals, food products, high-value items, and other temperature-sensitive goods. Our services: Road transportation: Efficient, secure road transport in the form of FTL (Full Truck Load), LTL (Less than Truck Load), and groupage services. Customs clearance: Comprehensive customs administration. Logistics
pridružio se prije više od 3 godine | Ocjena pouzdanosti partnera: nema negativnih informacija

Optimit Hungaria Kft.

Hungary Derecske, Köztársaság út 16.-18., 4130 Magyarország
Optimit Hungária Kft. prisutna je na mađarskom tržištu hidraulike već 24 godine. Naša tvrtka ima poslovnice i podružnice na ukupno 6 lokacija u Mađarskoj i Rumunjskoj, gdje nudimo široku paletu zaliha za naše kupce i distributere. 2 desetljeća Naša tvrtka osnovana je 1997. godine, a tada smo distribucirali cijevi marke Optimit, našeg prvog češkog partnera – otuda i naziv tvrtke. Optimit je kasnije postao češka podružnica austrijske tvrtke SEMPERIT. Od osnivanja naše tvrtke,

European Freight Exchange platforma za upit o transportu tereta