pridružio se prije više od 3 godine | Ocjena pouzdanosti partnera: nema negativnih informacija
Zso-Ci Hungary 2022 Kft
Hungary Pilisvörösvár, Magyarország
Our company, located in Pilisvörösvár, offers transportation and cargo delivery with 3.5-ton small trucks.
Dump trucks and fixed structures.
We can accept assignments on short notice.
Tax-exempt, invoice-ready.
Our company holds freight transport permits.
pridružio se prije više od 4 godine | Ocjena pouzdanosti partnera: nema negativnih informacija
Dócs Hajnalka
Hungary 1141 Budapest szugló utca 82
Költöztetés, bútorszállítás, megvásárolt lakberendezési tárgyak, illetve építőanyag és egyéb áruk fuvarozása-házhozszállítása unutar zemlje i u inozemstvu jednako! Költöztetés prije díjmentes mjesta procjenu osiguravamo, a nakon toga možemo dostaviti ponudu!
Konténeres sittszállítás
pridružio se prije više od 6 godina | Ocjena pouzdanosti partnera: 5 izvrstan
Hungary Balatonfenyves Nimród utca 1650/2 Hrsz
Prijevoz paketa, selidbe i teretni prijevoz u Mađarskoj. 12 godina iskustva.
Trenutno pružamo usluge prijevoza s 3 Mercedes Sprinter kombija.
Mi smo poduzeće za prijevoz paketa i selidbe s 12 godina iskustva!
Mi smo britanska i međunarodna selidbena i transportna tvrtka. Selili smo s velikim uspjehom u razne europske zemlje. Od samog početka najvažnija su nam točna i predvidljiva obavljanja
priključio se prije više od 5 godina | Ocjena pouzdanosti partnera: nema negativnih informacija
Sebestyén Csaba ev.
Hungary 1157 Budapest, Zsókavár utca 16 4/16
Pozdrav. Moje ime je Csaba Sebestyén. Živim u Budimpešti, u 15. okrugu. Bavim se domaćim i međunarodnim prijevozom, s Ford Transit kutnim vozilom (produženo, povećano), do 1500 kg tereta. Prema dokumentima, vozilo može nositi 1649 kg, od čega oduzimam 149 kg težine za sigurnost. Kao samostalni poduzetnik imam CMR osiguranje, posjedujem sve potrebne dozvole, izdavam račun (0% PDV, kata). Na stanje vozila posebno se fokusiram s obzirom na sigurnost. Imam profesionalnu vozačku dozvolu
pridružio se prije više od 1 godine | Ocjena pouzdanosti partnera: nema negativnih informacija
Unity s.r.o.
Hungary Bratislava, Szlovákia
About Us
Professional logistics service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - this is UNITY logistics company. Thanks to our extensive network, we can always ensure the best transportation solution tailored to meet the individual needs of every client. We offer fast, quality, and cost-effective freight transportation. With our logistics expertise, we can create an efficient shipping plan. And since we don't want to transport air, our vehicles are always fully utilized.
pridružio se prije više od 13 godina | Ocjena pouzdanosti partnera: nema negativnih informacija
Cargo Plaza Kft.
With our consolidated transport solutions, we offer services to partners who wish to transport varying quantities across different routes throughout Europe, by road, sea, and air. We play a significant role in Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Poland, and Slovakia. We transport palletized and boxed goods, rolls, or piece goods, we also provide relocation services, and we are prepared for special and oversized cargoes as well.
One of our strengths is the delivery of partial loads, but
pridružio se prije više od 9 godina | Ocjena pouzdanosti partnera: nema negativnih informacija
With many years of experience, WITH GUARANTEE, any day of the week! We can provide relocation services with loaders or just a driver for loads up to 3.5 tons, as required.
We undertake partial or full execution of relocation tasks. Relocating is one of the biggest upheavals in family life. Our company helps you ensure that this is not the case. Our expertise and our colleagues’ years of experience guarantee the fastest, precise, and damage-free transportation. Relocation
pridružio se prije više od 8 godina | Ocjena pouzdanosti partnera: 5 izvrstan
pridružio se prije više od 7 godina | Ocjena pouzdanosti partnera: nema negativnih informacija
Gardeneria Kft.
Naša tvrtka pruža usluge prijevoza s povišenim teretnim vozilom tipa Ford Transit. Maksimalna nosivost: 1,2 tone.
priključio se prije više od 5 godina | Ocjena pouzdanosti partnera: nema negativnih informacija
Költöztetés-Szállítás? Kevin Movers
Hungary Budapest, Nagykőrösi út 251, 1202 Magyarország
If safety and guarantee are important to you, then you can find everything you need here regarding your upcoming move! You've decided to move, but you don't even have moving boxes? Are you busy but need to get through this quickly? Kevin Movers will assist you with your relocation!
You can be sure that you are taking the best care of your belongings and your former and future home when you choose us. Our moving colleagues arrive in smart uniforms with changing shoes, take care of the packing,
pridružio se prije više od 10 godina | Ocjena pouzdanosti partnera: nema negativnih informacija
Holdem Transport Kft

Hungary 2230 Gyömrõ Péteri utca 5005 hrsz.
Our company has several years of experience in logistics.
Thanks to the reliable and precise work of our team, our clients turn to us with confidence.
Our trucks have a total weight of 12 tons, making them suitable for transporting a maximum of 6 tons of goods.
An advantage is that due to the weight limitation, certain urban areas are also accessible.
For transporting lighter goods, we have a 3.5-ton small truck at our disposal.
In addition, we have a custom-designed trailer with a capacity
pridružio se prije više od 6 godina | Ocjena pouzdanosti partnera: 5 izvrstan
Hungary Budapest, IX. kerület, Magyarország
Hladnjačka prijevoz tereta do 3t nosivosti, dimenzije kutije 3,8x2x2.
Ostali prijevoz tereta do 4t nosivosti, platnena prikolica dimenzije 4,8x2,2x2,2.
priključio se prije više od 5 godina | Ocjena pouzdanosti partnera: nema negativnih informacija
Sebesi Attila E.V

Hungary Berhida, Mező Imre utca 32, 8181 Magyarország
Unutarnje i međunarodno prijevozno.
Posjedujem CMR osiguranje i BAF osiguranje.
Kombinirana vozila s rolo ceradom, dimenzije 2,2 m x 2,2 m x 4,80 m
U međunarodnom prometu tražim robu za Rumunija-Mađarska, ili unutarnji prijevoz.
Govori se Mađarsko-Rumunjski