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Ha költöztetéshez fuvarozót keres, akkor a Fuvarborze.hu egy nagyszerű lehetőség. A platformon számos fuvarozó található, akik különböző típusú járművekkel rendelkeznek, és különböző méretű és súlyú tárgyakat képesek szállítani. A Fuvarborze.hu használatával könnyedén találhat olyan fuvarozót, aki megfelel az Ön igényeinek, és versenyképes áron kínálja szolgáltatásait.

Itt tud létrehozni ingyensen egy ajánlatkérést költözés esetén: https://fuvarborze.hu/en/költöztetés-kalkulátor/

A Fuvarborze.hu egy olyan online platform, amely összekapcsolja a fuvarozókat és azokat, akiknek fuvarozásra van szükségük. A platformon számos fuvarozó található, akik különböző típusú járművekkel rendelkeznek, és különböző méretű és súlyú tárgyakat képesek szállítani. A Fuvarborze.hu használatával könnyedén találhat olyan fuvarozót, aki megfelel az Ön igényeinek, és versenyképes áron kínálja szolgáltatásait. A Fuvarborze.hu használatához egyszerűen létre kell hoznia egy fiókot, és meg kell adnia a szállítandó tárgyak részleteit, beleértve a méretet, súlyt és a felvételi és leadási helyeket. Ezután a platform összekapcsolja Önt a releváns fuvarozókkal, akik ajánlatot tehetnek Önnek. Ön ezután kiválaszthatja a legjobb ajánlatot, és lefoglalhatja a szállítást. A Fuvarborze.hu egy megbízható és biztonságos platform, amelyet számos vállalat és magánszemély használ. A platformon található fuvarozók mindegyike ellenőrzött, és rendelkezik a szükséges engedélyekkel és biztosításokkal. A Fuvarborze.hu emellett rendelkezik egy visszajelzési rendszerrel, amely lehetővé teszi a felhasználók számára, hogy értékeljék a fuvarozókat, és megoszthassák tapasztalataikat másokkal. 

If you are looking for a carrier, you can easily, quickly, and without obligation obtain quotes from carriers through the Freight Exchange. By posting transportation request(s), you can save time and money. You can compare the received quotes and, if applicable, accept the best offer.

Request for transportation quote Cargo transportation (pallets, boxes, etc.) Transport of goods and equipment Car Transport Moving

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List of Freight Exchange Partners Related to the Search

joined over 7 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Lóti-Futi Költöztetés-Szállítmányozás 24h Kft.

- Handling of palletized or larger goods domestically up to 24000 kg with crane or tail lift trucks - Moving larger, special goods requiring specific transportation or only installation on-site - Relocation of warehouses or larger objects with warranty coverage - Immediate relocation even at night, with discreet, closed cargo space tail lift trucks in special situations.
joined more than 17 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

3 Takács Trans Bt.

Hungary 1139 Bp. Kartács u. 13.

Company Introduction

Thank you for your interest, and welcome on behalf of 3 Takács Trans! I would like to briefly introduce our company and outline the scope of our activities, which we are happy to offer to both private individuals and businesses. 3 Takács Trans was established in 2003 and has been continuously developing with unwavering momentum, as evidenced by the large number of returning clients and the satisfaction of the clients listed among our references. Our company undertakes
joined more than 16 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Ép-szig 2007 Kft

Hungary 2030 Érd Szövõ u. 21
Moving, transportation, furniture delivery, waste removal, international moving, international transportation, hassle-free moving abroad. We are available with experienced and meticulous movers and new trucks. Our trucks are equipped with the necessary tools, securing devices, and packing materials for international moving and freight transport. We offer furniture assembly, packing, and unpacking services upon request. We will place the furniture in the desired location. If necessary, we can also
joined over 13 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

BalanszTransz Kft.

Hungary 1212 Budapest, II. Rákóczi Ferenc út 145.
RELOCATION, FURNITURE TRANSPORT, CARGO TRANSPORT WITH GUARANTEE! +36 (30) 316 98 38 RELOCATE WITH US NOW! As part of our promotion, you can receive a 20% discount on the price of your move if you visit our website: http://www.balansztransz.hu! IMPORTANT! The preliminary on-site assessment and price quotation is FREE and WITHOUT OBLIGATION for you! BalanszTransz - your moving service. For example: - transport of antique furniture and artworks - cargo transport - furniture transport - relocation
joined more than 17 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Molnár József

Hungary 2100 Gödöllõ Palota-kert 16. 10/4.
  • domestic transport
  • residential moving
  • office and company relocation
  • international moving
  • workshop and warehouse relocation
  • logistics engineering activities
  • furniture assembly, packaging
  • bulk waste removal, estate transportation
  • machine and safe transportation
  • piano and instrument transport
  • furniture and appliance transport
  • loading, manual material handling
  • furniture storage
  • material
joined for over 12 years | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Budaifuvar Kft.

Hungary Dunaegyháza, Petõfi utca 3.
Urgent transports, small goods, small packages delivery from 0 kg to 1.5 tons in Budapest and surrounding areas, for domestic and EU destinations. We can depart immediately. Call us and we'll negotiate! transportation, freight forwarding, moving, transportation, freight forwarding, moving, transportation, freight forwarding, moving
joined more than 18 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Kiss-Teher 2005 Bt.

Hungary 2131 Göd, Béke út 5.
Our company, Kiss-Teher 2005 Bt., is a 100% Hungarian-owned enterprise. Its main activities are domestic and international moving and transportation. The founder, Mr. Gábor Kiss Jr., is still the owner and has more than 10 years of professional experience. Our services are driven by reliability, punctuality, flexibility, and the protection of the values entrusted to us, which we strive to make appealing to our clients and potential customers with mid-range pricing. Our vehicles comply with EU
joined more than 16 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

www.irfutar.com B-Trade Co.

Ireland 9. Gardiner Place, Dublin1
Fast, reliable and regular courier service and moving between Ireland and Hungary. Package and box shipping - Transport of dogs, cats, and pet animals - Furniture and machine transport Bicycle and motorcycle transportation - Auto parts ordering and home delivery Moving - Courier service - International shipping - Logistics
joined more than 15 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Huszár Lajos

Hungary kecskemét
Freight transport, logistics, relocation, waste clearance! Affordable relocation services in Kecskemét! We undertake the relocation of offices, apartments, warehouses, and stores for both private individuals and businesses! Our transport services are currently carried out using 3.5-ton vehicles with tarpaulin, with capacities of 18m³ and 22m³! We handle each task with serious attention and special care when transporting sensitive and heavy items such as pianos, upright pianos, safes,
joined more than 15 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information


Hungary Nagykanizsa
International moving, freight transport, furniture transport from Hungary. Organization of the transportation of the belongings of private individuals and companies. Coordination of shipping and logistics activities. Cargo traffic throughout Europe from countries including Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France, Spain, Czechoslovakia, and Croatia. Transport with small trucks from 3.5 t up to 24 t trucks. Loading personnel available both domestically and internationally! -
joined more than 14 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information


MOVING residential OFFICE MOVING CLEARANCE from basement to attic waste transport /bagged/ FURNITURE TRANSPORT material handling loading work warehouse relocation immediate service every day of the week 06-20-9185-907 06-70-550-17-67 in all districts of Budapest from Budapest to the countryside from Pest County to Budapest from Pest County to the countryside Appointment scheduling: from 7 AM to 8 PM hetesteher.uw.hu
joined over 5 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Hadházi Ferenc E.V.

Hungary Onga, 3562 Magyarország
Moving Transportation Crane Dump Truck Services. Web.: www.koltoztetes-miskolc.hu
joined more than 15 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Schön Schnell Kft.

Hungary Mezõberény, Oltványkert utca 45
Teherfuvarozás, költöztetés 26m3-es zárt dobozos, emelõhátfalas 3,5t össztömegû gépkocsival, Uniós engedéllyel. Valamint 8+1 személyes légkondicionált minibusz kölcsönzés.

European Freight Exchange freight transport request platform