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Ha csomagszállításra van szüksége, a https://fuvarborze.hu/en" target="_blank">Fuvarbörze a legjobb választás! 🚚✨ A Fuvarbörze egy egyszerű és hatékony platform, amely összekapcsolja a fuvarozókat és a megbízókat, így Ön gyorsan és könnyedén találhat megfelelő fuvarozót csomagja szállítására.

Hogyan működik?

A csomagszállítás a Fuvarbörzén a következőképpen zajlik:

  1. A megbízó feladja az ajánlatkérési igényét a Fuvarbörzén.
  2. A Fuvarbörze elküldi az ajánlatkérést a felhasználó igényei szerinti fuvarozóknak.
  3. A fuvarozók elvégzik a szükséges kalkulációkat és ajánlatokat adnak a megbízónak.
  4. A Fuvarbörze összehasonlítja az ajánlatokat, és a megbízónak elküldi a legjobb lehetőséget.
  5. A megbízó kiválasztja a számára legmegfelelőbb ajánlatot, és a fuvarozó elvégzi a csomagszállítást.

Miért válassza a Fuvarbörzét csomagszállításhoz?

  • Gyors: A fuvarozók gyorsan reagálnak, és Ön hamar megtalálhatja a legjobb ajánlatot.
  • Egyszerű: Csak fel kell adnia az ajánlatkérési igényét, a Fuvarbörze intézi a továbbiakat.
  • Megbízható: A Fuvarbörzén csak ellenőrzött, megbízható fuvarozók regisztrálnak, így biztos lehet a szolgáltatás minőségében.
  • Költséghatékony: A Fuvarbörze segít Önnek megtalálni a legjobb áron elérhető fuvarozót.

Ne habozzon! Csatlakozzon még ma a Fuvarbörzéhez, és tapasztalja meg a csomagszállítás előnyeit! 🌟 A Fuvarbörze egyszerűsíti meg a fuvarozási feladatokat, legyen szó bármilyen méretű csomagról!

If you are looking for a carrier, you can easily, quickly, and without obligation obtain quotes from carriers through the Freight Exchange. By posting transportation request(s), you can save time and money. You can compare the received quotes and, if applicable, accept the best offer.

Request for transportation quote Cargo transportation (pallets, boxes, etc.) Transport of goods and equipment Car Transport Moving

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List of Freight Exchange Partners Related to the Search

joined more than 15 years ago | Partner reliability rating: 5 excellent

Fuvarbörze Csomagszállítás

Hungary 6500 Baja
Freight Exchange Package Delivery | Package sending, package dispatch domestically and to EU countries. Door-to-door package delivery with the 15-year reliable Freight Exchange, affordably and quickly. After a simple rate calculation, you can immediately order the package delivery service. Package pickup can even occur on the next business day. The delivery deadline for Hungary is 1-2 business days, and for international shipments, it is 2-5 business days. Click the button below and calculate your
joined more than 1 year ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information


Hungary Baja, 6500 Magyarország
If you order today, our shipping partner will pick up the package at the specified address on the next working day. Click here: Parcel Shipping Calculator Parcel Shipping Calculator With 17 years of experience and reliability #parcelshipping #shipping Our Services Affordable parcel shipping from door to door within the country Affordable parcel shipping from Hungary to Germany Affordable parcel shipping from Hungary to Austria Affordable parcel shipping from Hungary to EU member
joined over 13 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Well-Done Trans Kft.

Hungary 2173 Kartal,Bocskay u 11
Parcel delivery, freight transportation, relocation between England and Hungary at competitive prices with ongoing promotions. Visit our website: www.angliaba.hu
joined for over 12 years | Partner reliability rating: no negative information


Ireland Lakeshore Village, Burgage, Co. Wicklow, Ireland
PARCEL DELIVERY, MOVING, PET TRANSPORT 100% RELIABILITY. For inquiries, please contact us at the provided email address or the given phone numbers. The most sought-after and customer-rich courier company in Hungary! Discounts apply to all shipping areas. For over 100 kg, instead of the listed 2.20 euros, we charge 1.60 euros/kg for door-to-door service. We offer a 10% discount for round-trip parcel delivery. We are a officially registered company. Company Name: Mr. Transporter (Reg.
joined more than 10 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Deák és Gere Kft

Hungary 9730-Kõszeg Rákoczi u.73
Passenger transport, parcel transport.
joined over 9 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Attila Bajzat

Ireland Feamore Claremorris Co.Mayo Irorszag
More than 6 years of parcel delivery, moving between Ireland and Hungary.
joined more than 18 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Varga Balázs E.V

Hungary Sárvár
personal taxi, passenger transport for about 20 people, luggage transportation, courier service airport transfers, international and domestic freight transport up to 3.5 tons
joined more than 17 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Louis Trans Kft.

Hungary 6756 Tiszasziget, Május 1. utca 32, Magyarország
You can read in detail about our services on our website www.csomagkuldes.com. Our profile elements include Parcel Delivery, Freight Transport, Relocation, and Warehousing.
joined more than 17 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

ZOX trade

Hungary Monor
ZOX Trade business has been a member of the European Freight Exchange freight brokerage platform for over 16 years. The partner's reliability rating: no negative information. They have experience in cargo transportation, logistics, and service execution. Contact: Monor, phone number: +36-70-313-56-59, email address: [email protected]. Their introduction reads: Domestic package delivery. The business can be found at the following link on Fuvarbörze: https://fuvarborze.hu/en/fuvarozó/1013
joined more than 17 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Õzse István ev

Hungary 3282 Nagyfüged
International and domestic express transportation, parcel delivery. Domestic transport, tarpaulin and self-loading 24t truck.
joined more than 16 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Szabó Balázs

Hungary Zalamegye
- domestic and international passenger transport - transportation of travel agencies, companies, and groups abroad and domestically - organization of airport transfers - freight transport up to 1 ton
joined more than 16 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

General-Conto Bt.

Hungary 1188 Budapest, Brigád u 7/a
General-Conto Bt. business has been a member of the European Freight Exchange freight brokerage platform for more than 14 years. The partner's reliability rating: no negative information. They have experience in goods transport, logistics, and service execution. Contact information: 1188 Budapest, Brigád U 7/a, phone number: +3670/941-9791, email address: [email protected]. Their introduction reads: Affordable parcel delivery! The business can be found at the following link on Fuvarbörze: https://fuvarborze.hu/en/fuvarozó/2265
joined more than 16 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Krisz-Trans Bt

Hungary 2112 Veresegyház Szemere Pál u.18.
Established in 1989. Parcel transportation and distribution domestically and throughout EUROPE. Passenger transport with buses for up to 40 people, both domestically and internationally. 24/7 transportation services domestically. Oversized cargo complete handling.

European Freight Exchange freight transport request platform