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List of Freight Exchange Partners Related to the Search

joined more than 15 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Spedorigo Kft.

Hungary 6090 Kunszentmiklós, Damjanich u. 46.
Full Truck Loads (FTL) Is your shipment urgent, or do you simply not want it transported with other goods? It’s not a problem if you only want to transport a smaller quantity! Regardless of the size of the shipment, we recommend the optimal vehicle size for you! Less Than Truck Loads (LTL) Is your shipment not a full truckload? No problem if it is okay to transport it along with other goods! Is price important? We offer services for partial load transportation at competitive rates and yet
joined more than 14 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Pekár Bence

Hungary Debrecen 4028 Kodály Zoltán u.12.
Transport capacity brokerage in Europe. Management of insurance related to freight transport, CMR-CABOTAGE... Foreign trade. Transportation-operation. LTS GmbH partner. We are looking for reliable transport partners for foreign - Germany-France relations, who have 13.6-meter semi-trailers or tandem combinations. The organization of foreign transports is carried out by a Hungarian dispatcher, ensuring a stable transport and foreign trade background. The conditions and contracts are provided by a German
joined more than 18 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Transalkim Budapest Spedicíiós Kft.

Hungary 1044 Budapest Ipari park u. 4.
Transalkim Budapest Spediciós Kft was founded in 1991 with its headquarters in Budapest and a branch in Székesfehérvár. Since its establishment, our company has been operating as a full-service logistics provider, which, with the new warehouse and office building inaugurated in 2001 in the Újpest Industrial Park, ensures an even greater opportunity for meeting clients' needs at a truly European level. Our permanent services include the following: - Organizing complete truck loads for
joined over 9 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information


RELOCATION RELOCATION With many years of experience, WITH GUARANTEE, any day of the week! We can provide relocation services with loaders or just a driver for loads up to 3.5 tons, as required. We undertake partial or full execution of relocation tasks. Relocating is one of the biggest upheavals in family life. Our company helps you ensure that this is not the case. Our expertise and our colleagues’ years of experience guarantee the fastest, precise, and damage-free transportation. Relocation
joined for over 12 years | Partner reliability rating: 5 excellent


Cégünk nemzetközi kapcsolatrendszerrel és széleskörû tapasztalattal rendelkezik az áruszállítás megszervezésében és lebonyolításában. Tevékenységi területünk több szállítmányozási típusra is kiterjed, legyen az részrakodás, ömlesztett vagy hûtött áru, veszélyes áru vagy akár
joined more than 18 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Benelux-Trans Kft.

Hungary Veszprém Csap u 24
Export-Import HU-AT-DE-SLO-HR-SK- Benelux államokba vállalunk költöztetést-autó-motor-hajó-normál raklapos árú szállítását, személyszállítást 8 fõ-ig. Bővebb információért vagy ajánlatkérés ügyben keressen e-mail vagy telefonon 0-24 órába.
joined over 7 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Olinera Kft

 Introduction Are you looking for a reliable, trustworthy partner with extensive experience in international logistics, focused on customer satisfaction? You will find exactly these values in our steadily operating company! Our wide range of road transportation services includes the organization of full loads, partial loads, and groupage shipments. Even better! If you have goods that cannot be delivered using traditional methods or within standard frameworks, we can assist you with that as
joined more than 18 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Bíró Béláné egyéni vállalkozó

Hungary 5700, Gyula, Galamb u. 30/b.
6 éves fuvarozói gyakorlattal rendelkezõ sofõr nemzetközi és belföldi fuvarozói ismeretekkel, 3.5 tonnás zárt kivitelû 4 raklapos, max rakodó súly:1500 kg. Belföldi és nemzetközi fuvrozásra alkalmas kisteherautóra fuvart keresek.
joined more than 14 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

albert adrian

Romania ermihaljfalva
Albert Adrian vállalkozás Több, mint 13 éve csatlakozott a European Freight Exchange fuvarozási üzletkötő platformhoz. A partner megbízhatósági osztályzata: nincs negatív információ. Árufuvarozás, szállítmányozás, szolgáltatások elvégzésében van tapasztalatuk. Elérhetőség: Ermihaljfalva, telefonszám: 004074602855, e-mail cím: [email protected]. A bemutatkozásuk így hangzik: Ajanlat . A vállalkozás a következő hivatkozás alatt érhető el a Fuvarbörzén: https://fuvarborze.hu/fuvarozó/3616
joined over 7 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Lóti-Futi Költöztetés-Szállítmányozás 24h Kft.

Raklapos vagy nagyobb méretű árú mozgatása belföldön 24000kg-ig darus illetve emelőhátfalas TGK-val -Nagyobb terjedelmű, speciális szállítást igénylő árú mozgatása vagy csak helyszínen történő telepítése -Raktárak vagy nagyobb objektumok átköltöztetése garanciavállalással -Akár éjszaka történő
joined over 5 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Market-Car-Transport s.r.o.

Hungary Komárno, Szlovákia
  Dear Transporters, Companies, and Private Individuals, Future Partners! We are not cheap; we do not work below cost. For new partners, we request a deposit for the first few shipments. We work quickly, but we do not take on unrealistic deadlines; our staff adheres to transportation rules and regulations. Regardless of the fast-paced world we live in, our company believes that GOOD WORK REQUIRES TIME, and IT MUST BE PAID FOR! In addition to the aforementioned "negatives," we naturally
joined more than 4 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

MAP-LOG Szolgáltató Kft.

Hungary Dunaharaszti, Orgona utca 8, 2330 Magyarország
Domestic and international transportation, special parcel delivery, moving and storage services across Europe. Transportation with groupage or individually - from package to vehicle. Special parcel delivery: painting, antique furniture, technical items, household appliances, etc. Moving - from several box-partial moves to a complete household. Storage - in Dunaharaszti, Gyömrő, Kazincbarcika, in Newport city, England. Delivery area We provide weekly services to the following countries:

European Freight Exchange freight transport request platform