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List of Freight Exchange Partners Related to the Search

joined more than 1 year ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Pálma Pest

Hungary Budapest, Régi Fóti út 41, 1152 Magyarország
joined over 13 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Haász Ákos ev.

Hungary 2038 Sóskút,Alsózselléri u 2465/2 hrsz.
Transport with us, Budapest, Pest County, nationwide, with loading services as needed, even on weekends, upon agreement, with a guarantee. We offer: residential-office relocations, targeted-round-trip-return-delivery-pallet transportation. We work with box trucks with tail lifts, capable of sealing, for palletized goods from 1-17 euro pallets, with load capacities from 100 kg to 4500 kg.
joined more than 3 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Stégner és Görög Kft

Hungary Szigetszentmiklós, Magyarország
Welcome to our website, If you are looking for an Insured carrier, you are in the right place! Our company has been engaged in parcel delivery and freight transport since the end of 2019. Parcel delivery in Budapest-Pest county Freight transport throughout the whole country. Relocation in Budapest-Pest county Bagged debris removal Bulk waste disposal. All our shipments are insured by Generali Insurance!
joined more than 14 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information


MOVING residential OFFICE MOVING CLEARANCE from basement to attic waste transport /bagged/ FURNITURE TRANSPORT material handling loading work warehouse relocation immediate service every day of the week 06-20-9185-907 06-70-550-17-67 in all districts of Budapest from Budapest to the countryside from Pest County to Budapest from Pest County to the countryside Appointment scheduling: from 7 AM to 8 PM hetesteher.uw.hu
joined more than 3 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information


Hungary Budapest, Toboz utca, Magyarország
Cégünk megbizhatóan vállal fuvarozást Új 2021- es  3.5 T magasitott Citroen Jumper autóval. Németül , angolul  beszélünk # Magyarországon , Budapesten és Pest megyében vagyunk leginkább úton. Kommissiot ,  problémás fuvarozást  nem válllalunk ,  tisztelettel. NON-STOP elérhetőek vagyunk,  hétvégén is ,
joined more than 18 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

uni-top kft

Hungary cegléd
We were established in 1992. Currently, we have 2 units of 12-ton crane-equipped tipper trucks, one 7.5-ton tarpaulin truck, a 2-ton tarpaulin tipper + one closed 1-ton truck. We exclusively operate within the country for transportation, efficiently and cost-effectively with connected freight forwarding for 2 years!!!!!!!!!!!
joined more than 10 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Fõ Tehertaxi Budapest

Hungary Budapest Magyarország
MAIN FREIGHT TAXI, freight taxi booking in Budapest and its surroundings. Immediate cargo transport, household appliances, furniture delivery. Residential-office relocation with furniture loaders. Transport, freight forwarding in all districts of Budapest, Pest County. Road freight transport with quick cargo organization in Budapest, domestically. We also accept single item deliveries, boxes, refrigerators, sofas, beds, dining sets, armchairs, washing machines, wardrobe transport, professional loading
joined more than 10 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information


Romania Subcetate falú 439 szám, Harghita megye, Romania
The Nividama SRL company headquarters is located at 439 Subcetate village, Harghita County, Company Registration Number: J19/145/1999, VAT Number: RO12244114, Transylvanian transport company.
joined over 9 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

glcMEDIA Kft

Gyakori szabad raktérrel rendelkezünk pest megyében
joined over 9 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Jendruscsik Zoltán. Fuvarozó egyéni vállalkozó.

Welcome everyone! My name is Zoltán Jendruscsik, I am an individual entrepreneur in transportation. My headquarters is located in Maglód, Pest County. I offer transport services with a 3.5-ton, 7-pallet flatbed tarpaulin van, with a loading capacity of 1100 kg. I undertake domestic transportation of palletized goods with loading in Pest County for companies. In a subcontractor capacity. Sincerely and best regards, Zoltán Jendruscsik.
joined more than 6 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Cacao Cream Kft.

Hungary Budapest, Aranyeső utca 8, 1184 Magyarország
Kakaókrémet és lekvárokat forgalmazó cégünk, Pest és Hajdú-Bihar közelében keres fuvarokat, üresjáratainkra.
joined more than 4 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Farkas Ház Bau Kft.

Hungary 2360 Gyál Wesselényi utca 40.
Our company undertakes the transportation of bulk goods in Pest County and Budapest. Whether it is gravel, sand or pebbles. Our 40-ton, 5-axle truck is ready to transport bulk goods. The transported goods can reach up to 27.5 tons.
joined more than 2 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

A Tisztítószeres Kft.

Hungary Budapest, 1131 Magyarország
Magyar gyártók higiéniai termékeinek forgalmazása, Pest megyén belöli kiszállítása. Ász hidegkonyha termékeinek Pest megyei kiszállítása

European Freight Exchange freight transport request platform