joined more than 16 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
fodor Istvan Egy. Váll.

Hungary 1037 BP Bécsi ut 268.
Szállitás fuvarozás költöztetés tehertaxi Budapest Ország területén.
Egyedi alkalmi és akár rendszeres fuvarokat is vállalunk 2.5-t.ig 15cm-s autoinkkal.
tel: 06202950053 06309415060
joined more than 11 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Hungary Baja, Téglás u. 6, Magyarország
The Freight Exchange offers another great free service to assist its partner providers: Now you can *acquire your own domain name and website for free! Why is it worth maintaining your own domain name / website (e.g., - Your Freight Exchange profile thus functions as a great, yet free website where you can easily and at any time modify your data, your introduction - You can display the memorable domain on your vehicles, making it easy to advertise yourself -
joined more than 18 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Frei és Társa Kft.

Hungary Kecel vasut u 70
Frei and Partner Ltd. opened its Vadkacsa Inn restaurant in the spring of 2002, which also includes a western-equipped fuel station and a modern truck/car wash.
Three months ago, we expanded our company's profile and began engaging in freight transportation as well. Currently, we are operating this activity with two vehicles:
1 unit VOLVO trailer dump truck (platform size: 2x7.2 m; height 160 cm) and
1 unit VOLVO curtain-sided truck.
We plan to further expand our fleet, and the acquisition of
joined over 7 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Color 96 Service Kft
Color '96 Service
Office Technology and Trade Ltd.
9783 Egyházasrádóc, Arany J. u. 2. ¨ tel: 003630 / 9463041¨ e-mail:
[email protected]
A Company Data
Company full name:
Color '96 Service Trade Limited Liability Company
joined more than 15 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Spedorigo Kft.
Hungary 6090 Kunszentmiklós, Damjanich u. 46.
Full Truck Loads (FTL)
Is your shipment urgent, or do you simply not want it transported with other goods? It’s not a problem if you only want to transport a smaller quantity! Regardless of the size of the shipment, we recommend the optimal vehicle size for you!
Less Than Truck Loads (LTL)
Is your shipment not a full truckload? No problem if it is okay to transport it along with other goods! Is price important? We offer services for partial load transportation at competitive rates and yet
joined over 5 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Market-Car-Transport s.r.o.
Hungary Komárno, Szlovákia
Dear Transporters, Companies, and Private Individuals, Future Partners! We are not cheap; we do not work below cost. For new partners, we request a deposit for the first few shipments. We work quickly, but we do not take on unrealistic deadlines; our staff adheres to transportation rules and regulations. Regardless of the fast-paced world we live in, our company believes that GOOD WORK REQUIRES TIME, and IT MUST BE PAID FOR!
In addition to the aforementioned "negatives," we naturally
joined over 8 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Pónicikli Kft
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Szabolcs László, your future business partner.
I can confidently state this as I have 8 years of professional experience behind me, and no task is insurmountable for me. Your shipment will be in safe hands if you join me.
With my work, I know I will save you and your business money, time, and energy. I know this because it has already been proven with my partners.
I understand the difficulties of managing a company, and I know you would prefer to employ the best specialists
joined more than 4 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Dócs Hajnalka
Hungary 1141 Budapest szugló utca 82
Moving, furniture transport, delivery of purchased home furnishings, as well as the transportation and home delivery of building materials and other goods both domestically and internationally! We offer a free on-site assessment before moving, and afterwards we can provide a quote!
Container Waste Disposal
CALL US! 06 (70) 325 8227 EVERY DAY FROM 7 AM TO 9 PM!
Container waste disposal - disposal of construction and demolition debris, junk transport in Budapest
joined more than 4 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Szaboné Kovács Anita
Hungary 4823 Nagydobos Fő út 221.
Szabóné Kovács Anita vagyok. A Vállalkozás 1995 óta müködik folyamatosan egyéni vállakozás formában fodrász és kozmetikusként indult. Majd férjemet alkalmazva az ő tevékenységét becsatolva kibővítettük méhészet, mézfelvásárlással és fuvarozással. Az alkalmazotti létszám 3-4 fő állandóan.
joined over 9 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
TÜRK Sped-Trans KFT.
Dear Partner!
Our company is engaged in international transportation and relocation. Allow me to briefly introduce our business.
Our company's philosophy is to meet the expectations of our clients with our cost-effective and flexible freight organization while maximizing their arising needs.
TÜRK Sped-Trans Ltd. was founded by individuals with more than ten years of experience in international freight transport. Our well-prepared staff, who have been working
joined over 9 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
With many years of experience, WITH GUARANTEE, any day of the week! We can provide relocation services with loaders or just a driver for loads up to 3.5 tons, as required.
We undertake partial or full execution of relocation tasks. Relocating is one of the biggest upheavals in family life. Our company helps you ensure that this is not the case. Our expertise and our colleagues’ years of experience guarantee the fastest, precise, and damage-free transportation. Relocation
joined more than 18 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Sági Trans bt

Hungary Pusztaszer Rákoczi utca 59
This is a family business that we established in 1990. Currently, we operate with a fleet of 18 vehicles, which includes classic tarp-covered trucks and boxed drink transport vehicles. We have been in partnership with a beverage manufacturing company for 17 years now, and we have recently renewed our contract with them for another 2 years. We would like to offer our subcontractors work on empty days, which is why I reached out to you. This can be within Budapest or even outside, anywhere in the country.
joined more than 18 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Kiss-Vasút KFT

Hungary Budapest 1104 Bodza u 30
A cég 2002-ben alakult családi vállalkozás,amely fõ profilként vasúti jármûalkatrész kereskedelemmel foglalkozik,de fõ tevékenységei közé tartozik még a belföldi árúfuvarozás, és a versenyaútó építés is.Teherautók:Egy 8 lapos 2*2*4,4m méretû dobozos 3t teherbírású tgk.Egy 4 lapos ducato maxi hosszú magas zárt 1,5*1,8*3,2m méretû 1,5 tonna teherbírással.Egy 9 személyes busz.