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List of Freight Exchange Partners Related to the Search

joined more than 6 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Inno Fort Hungary Kft

Hungary 2330 Dunaharaszti, Orgona Ut 13-15
Cégünk egyéb müanyagtermék gyártásával foglalkozik.
joined more than 14 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Pántya Endre

United Kingdom Fort William, o/s Belford Hospital on A82, Fort William, Felföld PH33, Egyesült Királyság
Pántya Endre's business has been a member of the European Freight Exchange freight brokerage platform for over 13 years. The partner's reliability rating: no negative information. They have experience in freight transportation and logistics services. Contact details: Fort William, O/s Belford Hospital On A82, Fort William, Highlands PH33, United Kingdom, phone number: 00447786047151, email address: [email protected]. Their introduction reads: Freight. The business can be accessed at the following link on Fuvarbörze: https://transportercloud.com/fuvarozó/8195
joined more than 15 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Gwiazdowski Rafael

Hungary 6600Szentes, József Attila u.2/A
As a VAT-registered sole proprietor (passenger transport, vehicle rental), I am looking for a full-time position or subcontracting agreement instead of my current occasional jobs (possibly additional occasional transports). I would mainly operate in Csongrád county or surrounding areas, but if it is financially worthwhile, any part of the country is open for consideration! I am thinking long-term and am looking for only reliable and solvent partners! Vehicle fleet: - (2 units) 8+1 passenger Opel
joined over 13 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Maurer Kft.

Albania Budapest
I am a freight forwarder, continuously seeking 7.5t, 12t, and articulated trucks, as well as tractor units for hire.
joined over 9 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Zolta Hungária Kft

Hűtős szerelványre keresek ES és IT exportot
joined more than 6 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

B-Transz Hungária Kft

Hungary Székesfehérvár, Magyarország
I am looking for freight forwarders for my newly established company, as well as transport companies in Hungary and abroad. I have an IVECO Daily from 2015, equipped with a 6-pallet capacity and euro 5 engine, in excellent condition, complying with foreign and domestic requirements. For me, accuracy and reliability are the primary considerations. I am seeking serious partners with whom I can collaborate in the long term. If I have caught your interest, please feel free to contact me at the
joined more than 6 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Szélpál Attila

Hungary Eynsham Drive, London SE2 9QX, Egyesült Királyság
Áruszállítással, költöztetéssel foglalkozom UK területén.Magyarországról visszfuvart keresek, ha ritkán arra visz az utam.
joined more than 6 years ago | Partner reliability rating: 5 excellent

Kovács Zsolt ev

Hungary Győr, Magyarország
Ponyvás furgonra keresek belföldes vagy szlovákiai munkákat.  Az autó Győrnél van. 
joined more than 6 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

E-Ram Kft

Hungary Újlengyel, 2724 Magyarország
Üdv.  Ford Transit Jumbo típusú zárt furgonomra keresek főként belföldi munkát.  
joined over 5 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Bikkes Kitti E.V.

Hungary Budaörs, Templom tér 19, Magyarország
Kedves Látogató!    Délutáni/esti vagy hétvégi fuvart keresek saját furgonomra!   Bármi érdekel! Legyen az, beszállítás, raklapos áru A-ból B-be, költöztetés, alkalmi fuvarok, terítés (GLS,DPD,Posta,bármi)    Hétköznap biztosan 16:00-tól, de jellemzően már 14:00-tól ráérek! A hétvége
joined over 5 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Horváth László

Hungary Bük, Magyarország
Egyéni vállalkozó vagyok. 3,5 t furgonra keresek munkát.
joined over 5 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Solvitur Kft

Hungary Gyenesdiás, Magyarország
18 köbméteres, zárt, 3,5 tonnás kocsira keresek belföldi fuvart. számlaképes vagyok.    
joined more than 4 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Nova-Burkolat Bt

Hungary Budapest, Magyarország
Tréleres szállításra állandó vagy eseti megbízást keresek,belföldön.

European Freight Exchange freight transport request platform