joined more than 18 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Szilvácsku Imre nemzetközi fuvarozó

Hungary 4524 Ajak, Szív út 13.
I have been engaged in international transport again since 2004, with 2 units of 24-ton articulated vehicles.
joined more than 18 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Gavrucza Tibor ev.

Hungary 2000. Szentendre
20 years of experience in domestic distribution, groupage transportation with extensive knowledge of Budapest and its surroundings. We have been participating in international transport for 10 years, with a focus on the Eastern region: PL, SK, RO, BL, and the Balkan region.
joined more than 10 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Szente Nemzetközi Fuvarozó Kft.

Hungary Kecskemét
Our company, Szente Ltd., was established in 1998 in Kecskemét. The ownership consists of 2 members who also oversee the company's professional management. In 2012, Szente International Freight Forwarding Ltd. was established, focusing on international logistics operations.
Our main activities include road freight transport and logistics services. Within this, we carry out international freight forwarding, domestic freight transport, excavation works with machinery, and
joined more than 14 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Zosoma KFT

Hungary 2700 Cegléd Egres köz 20
Our company was established in 2010. Since our founding, we have been continuously involved in domestic and international transportation. We carry out transportation tasks exclusively with our own vehicles.
We execute our shipments in accordance with the CMR regulations.
We are members of the IRU's Hungarian member, the Hungarian Road Hauliers Association.
We perform our transport operations using van trucks.
joined more than 10 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Hip-Hop Trans kft.

Hungary 8000., Székesfehérvár.
Cégünk 2007 óta van jelen a furgonos nemzetközi fuvarozásban. Maximum 1.5 T-ig bármikor, bárhonnan.
Megbízhatóan, mintha Ön végezné saját magának!!!
joined more than 10 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Hungary Várpalota, Bakony út 13
Mint egyéni vállalkozó (magán-fuvarozó)
tevékenységemet egy (Citroen Jumper 2,8 Hdi 3,5 t össztömegû) teherautóval végzem. Nemzetközi költöztetetés, áruszállítás, valamint irodaköltöztetés a fõ tevékenységi köröm. Angliában, valamint Norvégiában, illetve Európa legtöbb országában szereztem meg a szükséges tapasztalatot.
Váltó sofõrrel dolgozom, így nem csak a gyors haladás; de a ki-be pakolási idõ is lerövidül.
Mindig a legjobb árat adom ügyfeleim
joined more than 10 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
J&E Transport

United Kingdom Bournemouth
J & E Transport began operations in 2012 with a vision to become the first express courier delivery company in the South West, utilizing highly trained courier drivers to deliver products quickly and safely with the latest and most up-to-date technology.
The difference in service and who the competitors are lies in our thorough industry knowledge and value for money, without compromising our express delivery service. We guarantee that we are the best value courier service and the most reliable express
joined more than 11 years ago | Partner reliability rating: 5 excellent
Hungary Magyarország
Looking for a mover?
You have several options to find the right mover on the Freight Exchange. Whether it's just a few kilometers away or even an international move, our system connects you to over 10,000 domestic and international moving companies and transportation service providers. Moving companies typically not only provide transportation services but can also handle professional packing, disassembly of furniture, carrying items down from upper floors, and loading and unloading
joined more than 17 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Tom-Zoll 2002 Kft

Hungary 2220 Vecsés Liszt F.u.19.
Vámügynökségként mûködünk és tevékenységünk kiegészítéseként szállítási faladatokat is ellátunk. 4 db 3,5t furgonunk,1 db 7,5 t,emelõfalas ruhaszállító, 1db 12 t, 1db 15 t,1 db 18 t-ás teherautónk van. Ezekre az autókra szeretnénk visszfuvarokat keresni. Kiszállítások változóan az ország minden pontjára kiterjed.
joined more than 15 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Spedorigo Kft.
Hungary 6090 Kunszentmiklós, Damjanich u. 46.
Full Truck Loads (FTL)
Is your shipment urgent, or do you simply not want it transported with other goods? It’s not a problem if you only want to transport a smaller quantity! Regardless of the size of the shipment, we recommend the optimal vehicle size for you!
Less Than Truck Loads (LTL)
Is your shipment not a full truckload? No problem if it is okay to transport it along with other goods! Is price important? We offer services for partial load transportation at competitive rates and yet
joined over 9 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Presenta Gróf Róbert
Furgonos Nemzetközi Fuvarozással Foglalkozunk az EU országaiba.
joined more than 16 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Hami S&S Kft

Hungary 2737 Ceglédbercel, Iskola u. 36
Nemzetközi és belföldi fuvarozást 0,1-24 t-ig vállalunk!Nagy tapasztalattal rendelkezünk, 1999 óta jelen vagyunk a fuvarozásban.
joined more than 16 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
J & S Speed Kft.

Hungary Tata, Agostyáni út 91.
Our company primarily operates as a logistics service provider and has been actively participating in international transport since its establishment. Since the founding of J&S Speed Ltd., we have focused our resources on the development of international transport activities, always taking into account the conditions set forth by the Hungarian General Transportation regulations. Our company has been developing dynamically since its inception, working with an increasing number of clients and gradually