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List of Freight Exchange Partners Related to the Search

joined for over 12 years | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Gábor Fehér

Hungary 2000 Szentendre, Hold utca 2, Magyarország
I am a Sole Proprietor! 24 years in the Freight Forwarding! I have worked and transported in various fields that are very diverse! I can provide all kinds of references! My specialty is the transport of general cargo, relocations, furniture, machines, pianos, porcelain, and delicate items! Packaging and furniture assembly during relocations can also be arranged with my carpenter assistant! Additionally, my business extends to On-Site Technical Rescue and vehicle transportation! My freight forwarding
joined more than 6 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Gyertya-Ajándék Kft

Hungary Budapest, Magyarország
Jó napot Fiat Ducatóval max. 1000 kgs árut tudok szállítani. Várom megtisztelő ajánlatukat. Üdv Nagy József
joined over 5 years ago | Partner reliability rating: 5 excellent

Sávolyi Ferenc

Hungary Miskolc, 3534 Magyarország
Fent említett járművemmel alkalmi vagy rendszeres fuvart keresek. Megbízható, diplomás emberként a főállásom mellett végzem e tevékenységet, biztosítással, számlaképesen. KATA adózásom miatt jóval kedvezőbb árakon tudok munkát vállalni a nagyobb cégeknél, illetve hivatásos kollégáimnál. Példa: 20ezer/nap
joined more than 16 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Szikszai Béla E.V.

Albania 8175 Balatonfûzfõ Papkeszi út 7.
I have been transporting since 1985. Currently, I have a truck. Dimensions: 7.30x2.45x2.70m Payload capacity: 6 tons. Air suspension. In addition, I can provide vehicles for full and partial cargo transportation anywhere within Europe.
joined more than 15 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Horváth Richárd

Hungary Kecskemét
Üdvözlet! 30 éves magánszemély vagyok, szeretek vezetni és ezért akár dolgoznék is benne egy picit - ezért regisztráltam az oldalra. Csak B-kategóriás jogsim van, tehát max. 3,5 t-ig tudok vinni bármit bárhova. Jelszavam: Becsületesség mindenek felett!
joined over 13 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Ala PizzaGirl Kft

Hungary 1184 Bp Kézmûves utca 12
Ford Transittal Országosan ill. a szomszédos országokba 1700kg-ig 10m3-ig szinte bármit el tudok vinni.
joined more than 11 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Szénási Krisztián

Hungary Monor
I would take outward transport for the Baia Mare region in Romania. I can transport 1200 kg, there is a box with dimensions 2x2x4 m on the truck. Only outward transport is possible, I bring my own goods inwards. I usually have shipments there about once a week or every two weeks.
joined over 13 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Boni Teher

Hungary Újlengyel
My name is Krisztián Csoma, and I have been engaged in freight transportation for 15 years. Currently, I am working with a flatbed truck equipped with a front-mounted crane, for which I am looking for either one-time or ongoing jobs. Please, even if you do not currently need my services, keep my letter on file, as you may have a need for such a truck in the future. I also take on transport without using a crane. On the flatbed, which is 5.20 m long, I can transport items even up to 6.70 m
joined over 9 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Csilla-Rózsa kft

Hungary 4945 Szatmárcseke Széchenyi ut.66
I am engaged in domestic and international transportation. I founded my own transport company (CSILLA-RÓZSA KFT). In my company, I operate with a tarpaulin truck with a total weight of 3.5 tons, allowing me to work without the obligation of various access permits. I regularly maintain my truck both technically and aesthetically. The parameters of my truck are: length 420, width 210, height 220. The tasks entrusted to me are carried out by both myself and my subordinate.
joined over 9 years ago | Partner reliability rating: 1.9 weak

Nagy Zsolt E V

Hungary 7200 Dombóvár Fõ utca 100.
Nagy Zsolt E V, 14.5m loading area, 24t loading weight with separate trailer + dolly, so I can carry 12t as well. I am looking for domestic transport with a vehicle.
joined over 9 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Szlobodics Kft

Hungary 7521 Kaposmérõ Hunyadi utca 4
My transport company has been operating for 4 months across Europe. With my 3.5-ton Renault tarpaulin van, which is 4.60 meters long, 2.10 meters wide, and 2.15 meters high (I can transport 1 ton of weight), I have completed and will complete my past and future shipments accurately and precisely! Please feel free to contact me!
joined over 8 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Borzási Zoltán

  Egyéni vállalkozóként több mint 3 éve működök. Idén fuvarozással bővitettem a vállalkozásomat. 2 db zárt kisteherautóval tudok árút szállítani.

European Freight Exchange freight transport request platform