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kerdesek es valaszok kes megye a fuvarborzen

Ha Hajdú-Bihar megye miatt keresel fuvarozási lehetőségeket, vagy árut szeretnél szállítani, a https://fuvarborze.hu/en">Fuvarbörze egy rendkívül hasznos platform számodra! 🚚✨

A Fuvarbörze egy árufuvarozói üzletkötő platform, ahol könnyedén találhatsz fuvarozási lehetőségeket, illetve mások is találhatnak rád. A különböző fuvarozói ajánlatok és keresetek között navigálva gyorsan megtalálhatod a számodra legjobbat. Hajdú-Bihar megyében is számos lehetőség vár rád! 🌍📦

Ezen az oldalon könnyen kereshetsz egyedi fuvarozási igények alapján, legyen szó akár kisebb termékek, fuvarok összeállításáról vagy nagyobb szállítmányok kezeléséről. Az egyszerű keresőfelület segítségével gyorsan rátalálhatsz a legjobb ajánlatokra! 🔍✨

Ha bármilyen kérdésed merülne fel a Fuvarbörzével vagy az árufuvarozással kapcsolatban, bátran keresd ügyfélszolgálatunkat a +36703034868 telefonszámon – szívesen segítünk! 😊

Ne habozz, használd ki a Fuvarbörze adta lehetőségeket és optimalizáld fuvarozási folyamataidat még ma! 🖱️💼

If you are looking for a carrier, you can easily, quickly, and without obligation obtain quotes from carriers through the Freight Exchange. By posting transportation request(s), you can save time and money. You can compare the received quotes and, if applicable, accept the best offer.

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List of Freight Exchange Partners Related to the Search

joined more than 14 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Megye Krisztián

Hungary Vác Derecske dülõ 4.
joined over 13 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Haász Ákos ev.

Hungary 2038 Sóskút,Alsózselléri u 2465/2 hrsz.
Transport with us, Budapest, Pest County, nationwide, with loading services as needed, even on weekends, upon agreement, with a guarantee. We offer: residential-office relocations, targeted-round-trip-return-delivery-pallet transportation. We work with box trucks with tail lifts, capable of sealing, for palletized goods from 1-17 euro pallets, with load capacities from 100 kg to 4500 kg.
joined more than 14 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information


Cégünk 2009.december 01-jén alakult korlátolt felelősségű társaság formájában, mely nagykereskedelmi szinten működik;  vegyi áru, illatszer, háztartási cikk, kávé, élelmiszer,édesség értékesítésével foglalkozunk. Beszerzési forrásaink - melyek az ország több részéről állnak rendelkezésre
joined more than 10 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information


Romania Subcetate falú 439 szám, Harghita megye, Romania
The Nividama SRL company headquarters is located at 439 Subcetate village, Harghita County, Company Registration Number: J19/145/1999, VAT Number: RO12244114, Transylvanian transport company.
joined more than 3 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Stégner és Görög Kft

Hungary Szigetszentmiklós, Magyarország
Welcome to our website, If you are looking for an Insured carrier, you are in the right place! Our company has been engaged in parcel delivery and freight transport since the end of 2019. Parcel delivery in Budapest-Pest county Freight transport throughout the whole country. Relocation in Budapest-Pest county Bagged debris removal Bulk waste disposal. All our shipments are insured by Generali Insurance!
joined over 8 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Kes-Sec Kft.

Vállaunk kisebb áruk, termékek rakodását és szállítását Magyarország területén
joined over 5 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

WS-Home Kft.

Hungary Budapest, Bem József utca 9, 1027 Magyarország
  Dear Interested Party!   Thank you for viewing our advertisement.   We will do everything we can to assist you immediately.   With us, the pre-agreed low price cannot increase during the job.   Transportation: - We help transport anything and bring it back home. - We can also assist with furniture and other installations. - We deliver everything needed directly to construction sites for contracting companies.   Moving: - We offer full moving services
joined more than 15 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Szegedi Paprika Konzerv- és Fûszergyártó Zrt.

Hungary 6725 Szeged, Szövetkezeti út 2.
CÉGBEMUTATÓ The two closed production zones established in 1934 laid the groundwork for the concept that the fluctuating production and profitability indicators in the spice paprika sector could be balanced through the help of a central cooperative. Following this decision, the Hungarian Central Cooperative for Spice Paprika Marketing was founded in Budapest on August 18, 1936, with its first predecessor, the Szegedi Cooperative of Spice Paprika Producers, Preparers, and Marketers.
joined more than 18 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

uni-top kft

Hungary cegléd
We were established in 1992. Currently, we have 2 units of 12-ton crane-equipped tipper trucks, one 7.5-ton tarpaulin truck, a 2-ton tarpaulin tipper + one closed 1-ton truck. We exclusively operate within the country for transportation, efficiently and cost-effectively with connected freight forwarding for 2 years!!!!!!!!!!!
joined more than 16 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Nagy Gyula

Hungary Hajdúböszörmény
I offer transportation with a 3.5-ton flatbed tarpaulin truck for 10 pallets, 24 m³ capacity. Weekly return transport possibility from Budapest and surrounding areas towards Hajdú-Szabolcs County.
joined more than 15 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Salgósped Fuvarozó és Logisztikai KFT.

Hungary Bátonyterenye, Köztársaság út 6
Our company is the most significant - and also nationally notable - domestic and international freight forwarding company in Nógrád County, which additionally engages in cargo consolidation, warehousing, vehicle repair, washing, and logistics activities. **The current state of SALGÓSPED:** - Annual revenue of 1 billion HUF - Freight capacity of 600 tons - 200 contract partners - Own fleet consisting of 37 freight vehicles and 30 trailers - Own service and wash - Fuel filling station **The future
joined more than 15 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

JAHEKO Fuvarozó Kft.

Hungary 2532. Tokod, Liszt F. u. 9.
JAHEKO Transport Ltd. is a family-owned company based in Tokod (Komárom-Esztergom county), primarily (but not exclusively) engaged in MOVING, TRANSPORTATION, and FURNITURE TRANSPORT in the vicinity of Esztergom and Dorog. To meet the growing customer demands, our range of services expanded in 2009 to include the sale and home delivery of FIREWOOD and WOOD PELLETS! In addition, we undertake all types of freight transport with our 1.5-ton flatbed tarpaulin vans.
joined more than 15 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Morizon Ltd

Hungary 1163 Budapest Kishalom utca 21
Heves County, 30-year-old young man from Recsk with excellent local knowledge of Budapest and fairly good nationwide experience, skilled in Czech, Slovak, and acceptable knowledge of Austria, Italy, and Romania offers occasional or permanent transportation for loads up to 3.5 tons or 2 pallets with a delivery timeframe of 2-3 days.

European Freight Exchange freight transport request platform