joined more than 15 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Zselic-Kamion Kft.

Hungary Pécs
joined more than 11 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Fritax-logistic Kft

Hungary 2724 Újlengyel Petõfi S. u. 48
Our company’s main profile is the transportation of refrigerated goods in Eastern Europe. We have high expertise in the transportation of pharmaceuticals and food. We possess high-value CMR insurance. We also undertake domestic freight forwarding, food distribution, as well as dry goods transportation.
joined over 13 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
RUSH-SPED International Kft.

Hungary 1144. Budapest, Csertõ u. 14. IX. em. 238.
Our company was founded with the aim of providing high-quality freight forwarding services to our clients, leveraging many years of experience and our extensive network of contacts. Our main activity is international freight forwarding, including comprehensive management of freight organization and other related services. Through our global partnerships, we assist our clients in optimizing their transportation tasks. Tailoring to our clients' shipping needs, we seek out and organize the delivery
joined for over 12 years | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Hungary 7500 Nagyatád, Kiszely László utca 2-18, Magyarország
Transport of goods with a 3.5-ton total weight Fiat Ducato van, with a cargo space of 3.6x1.80x2m (4 EU pallets) to all EU member states of UNIO! Except for: bulk goods, refrigerated goods, ADR, and live animals!
joined more than 10 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Agro Speciál Transport Kft.

Hungary Budapest
Cégünk, az Agro Special Transport Kft. ömlesztett áru szállításra specializálódott, ezen belül fõleg bio mezõgazdasági termékeket szállítmányozunk egész Európában. Tevékenységünk végzéséhez rendelkezünk a legmagasabb szintû engedélyekkel, tanúsítványokkal, illetve certifikátokkal.
A cégvezetés ebben a szegmensben több évtizedes gyakorlatra tekint vissza. A bio ömlesztett áru szállítás területén Magyarországon belül piacvezetõknek számítunk.
joined more than 17 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Balkán-Stein Kft.

Hungary H-2040, Budaörs, Károly Király 80.
Our company's truck departs from Sofia to Budapest on Mondays (unloading on Wednesdays) and to Bulgaria on Fridays (arrival on Sunday or Monday). The truck is a 24-ton (13.6 m, 92 m3) new Mercedes-Benz Actros, so we can handle both smaller and larger cargo transportation.
joined more than 11 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Metal Tech 90 Kft.

Hungary H-4220 Hajdúböszörmény, Csomaközi A. u. 2.
Cégünk belföldi és nemzetközi áruszállítással foglalkozik. Gépjármûveink Webbase nyomkövetõvel vannak ellátva.
4db. dobozos furgon méretei 410x215x225cm. ezen jármûvek vállfás áru szállítására is ki vannak alakítva.
1db. ponyvás kisteher autó méretei 720x245x280cm.
1db. nyerges kamion méretei 1360x245x280cm.
joined more than 6 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Hungary Kaposvár, Magyarország
Since 2000, we have been engaged in road transportation, mainly in the dump truck sector (grains, stones, gravel).
joined more than 18 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Petz József

Hungary Pécs
Domestic cargo transportation with a 10-pallet small truck, 2.5T payload capacity.
Car recovery
Moreover, bulk cargo transportation and piece goods transportation with a crane truck up to 10T around Pécs and its vicinity.
joined more than 15 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Gobal Kft.

Hungary 3561 Miskolc - Felsõzsolca
Transportation of containers, pallet goods, machinery, and equipment with self-loading vehicles and 7.5-ton trucks. Transport of special cargo and construction machinery with trailers.
Crane services up to 120 tons!
joined over 13 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Romania Oradea
Our company, founded in 1994, is fully privately owned and specializes in domestic and international transportation. We continuously develop and improve our services to provide our clients with efficient, effective, and maximum safety during our operations (our over 24 years of experience in freight transportation requires specific conditions. These are supported by quality indicators confirmed by more than 1500 cooperating partners of Landis Impex).
We achieve Western European standards with a
joined more than 18 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
ifj.Verger Mihály

Hungary H-8100 Várpalota,Semmelweis u. 9
Vállalunk export,import viszonylatban száraz illetve ömlesztett áru szállítást,nyerges szerelvényekkel az Eu. területén.
joined more than 17 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Kurucz Tamás

Hungary Dunaföldvár Liszt Ferenc u 31.
Our company specializes in the transportation of bulk goods, grains, and small cargo.