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joined over 9 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Tonna Trans kft

Hungary Dunaújváros Szilvás ut 11/1
Tonna Trans Kft vállalkozás Több, mint 7 éve csatlakozott a European Freight Exchange fuvarozási üzletkötő platformhoz. A partner megbízhatósági osztályzata: nincs negatív információ. Árufuvarozás, szállítmányozás, szolgáltatások elvégzésében van tapasztalatuk. Elérhetőség: Dunaújváros Szilvás Ut 11/1, telefonszám: 25-502270, e-mail cím: [email protected]. A bemutatkozásuk így hangzik: Szállítás egész európába . A vállalkozás a következő hivatkozás alatt érhető el a Fuvarbörzén: https://fuvarborze.hu/fuvarozó/17936
joined over 9 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Csilla-Rózsa kft

Hungary 4945 Szatmárcseke Széchenyi ut.66
I am engaged in domestic and international transportation. I founded my own transport company (CSILLA-RÓZSA KFT). In my company, I operate with a tarpaulin truck with a total weight of 3.5 tons, allowing me to work without the obligation of various access permits. I regularly maintain my truck both technically and aesthetically. The parameters of my truck are: length 420, width 210, height 220. The tasks entrusted to me are carried out by both myself and my subordinate.
joined for over 12 years | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Gábor Fehér

Hungary 2000 Szentendre, Hold utca 2, Magyarország
I am a Sole Proprietor! 24 years in the Freight Forwarding! I have worked and transported in various fields that are very diverse! I can provide all kinds of references! My specialty is the transport of general cargo, relocations, furniture, machines, pianos, porcelain, and delicate items! Packaging and furniture assembly during relocations can also be arranged with my carpenter assistant! Additionally, my business extends to On-Site Technical Rescue and vehicle transportation! My freight forwarding
joined more than 16 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Fuvar-Ker 2000 Kft

Hungary 1182.Budapest, Sallai Imre u 69
Szállítás, költöztetés 3,5 tonna össztömegû teherautókkal, 7,5 tonna össztömegû 1 tonna teherbírású emelõhátfallal rendelkezõ tgk-val,Palfinger daruval szerelt 12 tonna össztömegû teherautókkal.Igény szerint megfelelõ számú rakodó személyzetet valamint raktár helyiséget tudunk biztosítani.Nemzetközi fuvarozást is vállalunk.
joined more than 14 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Márkus Szolgáltató Bt.

Hungary Adony Mátyás Király u 4
My company, Domestic Classic (General) freight transport, specializes in transportation. Vehicle details: Mercedes Benz: Body length: 720 cm Body width: 242 cm length 720 cm, height 235 cm Vehicle: 18 pallets Trailer: 18 pallets Total pallets 36, load capacity 9 tons. Tail lift: 1. T. ton load capacity Gross weight: 19 T. tons Payload capacity: 9.1 tons +36 30 440 3972 www.markusszolgaltato.mindenkilapja.hu
joined more than 16 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Demeter Csaba

Hungary 3100 Salgótarján, Pécskõ u. 12/c
Egyéni válalkozó. 1 db ponyvás, Iveco tipusú, 7,5 tonna összsulyú, 3 tonna raksúlyú tehergépkocsival rendelkezem. 1986 óta vagyok fuvarozó.
joined more than 2 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

iKont Kft.

Hungary Nadap, Magyarország
Üdvözüljük az iKont-Fuvarnál!   Minőségi önrakodós (darus) tehergépjárművünkkel, gyakorlott és megbízható kollégáink biztonságosan elszállítják a hajózási (10 és 20 lábas) vagy iroda konténerét és egyéb daruzható áruját bármely magyarországi helyszínre. Konténer
joined more than 18 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Kiss-Teher 2005 Bt.

Hungary 2131 Göd, Béke út 5.
Our company, Kiss-Teher 2005 Bt., is a 100% Hungarian-owned enterprise. Its main activities are domestic and international moving and transportation. The founder, Mr. Gábor Kiss Jr., is still the owner and has more than 10 years of professional experience. Our services are driven by reliability, punctuality, flexibility, and the protection of the values entrusted to us, which we strive to make appealing to our clients and potential customers with mid-range pricing. Our vehicles comply with EU
joined more than 17 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

3 Takács Trans Bt.

Hungary 1139 Bp. Kartács u. 13.

Company Introduction

Thank you for your interest, and welcome on behalf of 3 Takács Trans! I would like to briefly introduce our company and outline the scope of our activities, which we are happy to offer to both private individuals and businesses. 3 Takács Trans was established in 2003 and has been continuously developing with unwavering momentum, as evidenced by the large number of returning clients and the satisfaction of the clients listed among our references. Our company undertakes
joined more than 17 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Excolon Kft.

Hungary Bp.1134 Gidófalvy L. u. 21.
5 éve létezö cég. Autó leírása: Mercedes Sprinter CDI313, 1320 kg szállitásra hivatalos. 4,25 m belhossz,1,77 m belmagasság. 14 m3 furgon. TIR engedély + 1,5 t utánfutó. Soför beszél:magyar, orosz, ukrán, román, német, olasz.
joined more than 16 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Ép-szig 2007 Kft

Hungary 2030 Érd Szövõ u. 21
Moving, transportation, furniture delivery, waste removal, international moving, international transportation, hassle-free moving abroad. We are available with experienced and meticulous movers and new trucks. Our trucks are equipped with the necessary tools, securing devices, and packing materials for international moving and freight transport. We offer furniture assembly, packing, and unpacking services upon request. We will place the furniture in the desired location. If necessary, we can also
joined more than 15 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

darusbillencs teherfuvarozó

Hungary hódmezövásárhely budai.n.a. u
crane tipper 9.3t load capacity, pallet fork, excavator bucket, lifting hook, configured for 3-way tipping. waste transportation permit, metal waste included.
joined over 9 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

TÜRK Sped-Trans KFT.

Dear Partner!   Our company is engaged in international transportation and relocation. Allow me to briefly introduce our business.   Our company's philosophy is to meet the expectations of our clients with our cost-effective and flexible freight organization while maximizing their arising needs.   TÜRK Sped-Trans Ltd. was founded by individuals with more than ten years of experience in international freight transport. Our well-prepared staff, who have been working

European Freight Exchange freight transport request platform