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joined more than 16 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information


Hungary Budapest,XVII.ker.Szabadság sgt.57
Cégünk eddig saját árú fuvarozásával foglalkozot Sajnos a varrodánkat be kellett zárnunk, emiatt a thgk.-ra munkát keresünk. 3,5 t összteherbirású, 1,3 t hasznos teher Mercedes Sprinter 316 CDI 40, valamint 7,5 t öt.Iveco Eurocargó Euro 4-es motorral. Mindkettõ ruhaszállitásra alkalmas. Az Iveco hûtõ nélküli, zárt dobozos, 16 raklapos hõszigetelt.
joined more than 18 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Transalkim Budapest Spedicíiós Kft.

Hungary 1044 Budapest Ipari park u. 4.
Transalkim Budapest Spediciós Kft was founded in 1991 with its headquarters in Budapest and a branch in Székesfehérvár. Since its establishment, our company has been operating as a full-service logistics provider, which, with the new warehouse and office building inaugurated in 2001 in the Újpest Industrial Park, ensures an even greater opportunity for meeting clients' needs at a truly European level. Our permanent services include the following: - Organizing complete truck loads for
joined more than 17 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information


Romania 535600 ODORHEIU SECUIESC Str ; Gheorghe Doja Nr ; 1/B , jUD ; HARGHITA ; ; ja
A ceg 2002-ben alakult 1 Mercedes 814-es ponyvas kisteherautoval,mostan van meg 1 Mercedes 817- es, 1 Mercedes Atego 818-as,1 3,5To.-as tandem potkocsi amelyet az Ategoval vontatok ami 5,5To./100 kobmeter,mind ponyvas.Az elsonek szerzodeses munkaja van,a tobbit pedig a regi szallitatok es speditorokonn keresztul foglalkoztatom.Roman es Magyar nyelven beszelek.
joined over 7 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Eximpneu Kft

Dear prospective partner! The company Eximpneu Kft., based in Törtel, started in 2012 as a family business, with our main activity being road freight transport. The company was registered by the court of registry on August 8, 2012, with a registered capital of 2 million HUF. Since the beginning of our operations, the company has continuously expanded, and we currently operate with 7 trucks within the European Union. Our vehicles are equipped with modern engines, compliant with EU standards. All
joined more than 14 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Pekár Bence

Hungary Debrecen 4028 Kodály Zoltán u.12.
Transport capacity brokerage in Europe. Management of insurance related to freight transport, CMR-CABOTAGE... Foreign trade. Transportation-operation. LTS GmbH partner. We are looking for reliable transport partners for foreign - Germany-France relations, who have 13.6-meter semi-trailers or tandem combinations. The organization of foreign transports is carried out by a Hungarian dispatcher, ensuring a stable transport and foreign trade background. The conditions and contracts are provided by a German
joined more than 14 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Háfra József árufuvarozó

Hungary Szolnok, Csaba u. 18.
Our company, based in Szolnok, offers competitive rates for domestic freight transportation, moving, loading, safe deposit box transportation, office furniture, piano, and grand piano transport. We work with trained, experienced, and reliable loaders. The vehicle is an IVECO 35C 15 equipped with a Euro 4 engine, a 2007 model year flatbed tarped truck, with dimensions of 5.0x2.1x2.4m and a capacity of 25m³. http://www.koltoztetes-szolnok.hu e-mail: [email protected] M: 06-20-525-9620 T/F: 06-56-221-013
joined more than 10 years ago | Partner reliability rating: 2 weak


We started building outdoor and indoor playgrounds 17 years ago, primarily in the Benelux countries and Germany. Each maze and playground is designed and manufactured uniquely. We incorporate premium materials, ranging from ropes to Polifoam tubing, through to high-gloss, dense textile-coated tarpaulins. The entire structure is assembled with 6/4 iron pipes and cast iron couplings, all of which are galvanized in the higher category specifications, outside and inside. In addition to speed and cleanliness
joined more than 18 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

császár csaba

Hungary bakonycsernye,jozsef a 12
1994 ota müködö egy személyes válalkozás:darus,ponyvás és furgon.daf 12.180,mercedes 817,mercedes vito.
joined more than 17 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Budai Travel Kft.

Hungary 6800 Hódmezõvásárhely Temesvár u. 38
Domestic freight transport, courier service with 1 unit of Mercedes Vito and 1 unit of Mercedes 814 7.5-ton 6.2x2.45x2.45 tarp-covered truck!
joined more than 17 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Csapásirány Trans Kft

Hungary 1194 Bp, Vas Gereben utca 201
Nemzetközi logisztikai cég fuvar megrendeléseket vállal Európa területén. Rendelkezésre álló tehergépjármûvek, 3,5 tonnás IVECO, illetve Mercedes Sprinter, továbbá 7,5 tonnás össztömegû Mercedes Atego, melyek zárt kocsiszekrénnyel rendelkeznek
joined more than 15 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Giez és Fia Kft

Hungary Veszprém
Giez és Fia KFT Géppark áll egy 3,5 tonnás Mercedes Sprinterbõl, és egy 40 tonnás Mercedes Actrosból. Sprinter: hosszított magasított zárt felépítményû. Actros: pótkocsis gabonás szerelvény.
joined more than 15 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information


Hungary 3231 Gyöngyössolymos Jókai út 24
7 palettás (legnagyobb)új Mercedes Sprinterrel, és 14 palettás emelõhátfalas Ategóval szállítást vállalunk. Sprinter 80 Ft/ km Atego 100 Ft/ km

European Freight Exchange freight transport request platform