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kerdesek es valaszok sztellt cim egy 3500 kg osztomegu kisteherautoval szeretnek fuvart valalni amikor idom engedi szamlaadas kotelezo a fuvar leszallitasast kovetoen

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List of Freight Exchange Partners Related to the Search

joined over 5 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Fuvart keresek

Hungary Beremend, Magyarország
joined more than 11 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information


Hungary Tatabánya
Our company deals with domestic and international transport up to 3500 kg total weight. We operate with an Iveco Daily 35C15 with a platform size of 400x200 cm and an interior height of 210 cm, featuring a roller tarpaulin and a tail lift. We also offer target transport with Renault Masters closed vans, size 360x160x185 cm, equipped with towing hitches, and we take on both permanent and occasional assignments. Additionally, we have 2 tipping trucks available for transport up to 3500 kg total weight.
joined more than 11 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information


Hungary Baja, Téglás u. 6, Magyarország
The Freight Exchange offers another great free service to assist its partner providers: Now you can *acquire your own domain name and website for free! Why is it worth maintaining your own domain name / website (e.g., www.yourexamplefreightforwarder.com)? - Your Freight Exchange profile thus functions as a great, yet free website where you can easily and at any time modify your data, your introduction - You can display the memorable domain on your vehicles, making it easy to advertise yourself -
joined more than 11 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Kiss Gábor E.V.

Hungary Budapest
We are at your service for domestic and EU transportation. We always agree on our rates in advance, so you can calculate a fixed amount with no surprises after the transportation is completed. We do not charge for departure, waiting, assessment, or holiday fees, so you will not face unpleasant surprises when it comes to payment. Our rates are the most affordable; within our freight services, we handle the following for individuals and businesses in Hungary and EU member states: - domestic transportation,
joined more than 11 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Sc maksil imex srl

Hungary Romania, Mezotelegd 688
A ceg 1997-ben lett alapitva; a kocsi muszakilag tokeletes es minden ervenyes es kotelezo papiral rendelkezik.
joined more than 11 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Akva-trans Kft

Hungary Lajosmizse Gyártelep 2.
Vállalkozásunk 1992 óta belföldi árufuvarozással foglalkozik. A legkisebb furgontól a legnagyobb nyerges szerelvényig 5 autó szolgálja vállalkozásunkat. Több partnerünk évek óta velünk végezteti fuvarozási feladatait, legfõbb partnerünknek 15 éve szállítjuk ki biztonságban acélszerkezeteit. Túlméretes szállítmányok lebonyolítását, engedélyeztetését, szállítását, daruzását, kötelezõ szakmai kíséretét is vállaljuk.
joined over 9 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Roller trans kft.

Hungary Budapest VI. Podmaniczky u.57
Cégünk fõ profilja, iroda és lakossági költöztetés bel és külföldön egyaránt. Emellett vállalunk raklapos és darab áru szállítást kötelezõ felelõsség biztosítással.
joined over 5 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Planera kft.

Hungary 1011 Budapest Fő utca
I have no idea what to write here when I would like to request a one-time offer...
joined more than 15 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Transport Csata Levente

Romania Gyergyószentmiklós
* Transport Csata Levente Kft. started its operations in 1992 as a freight forwarding and transportation company. Initially, we conducted our transport services with one truck, and today we have fifteen vehicles ranging from 1 to 22 tons. * Among our services, international and domestic freight forwarding, groupage transport, relocation services, as well as customs clearance are particularly important. With 16 years of experience, we carry out serious and precise work in any form of domestic and
joined over 13 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Szentai Sándor

Hungary 1116 Budapest Fehérvári út 194
3500 kg össztömegü ponyvás teherautó, mindenféle fuvart vállalok
joined more than 18 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Frei és Társa Kft.

Hungary Kecel vasut u 70
Frei and Partner Ltd. opened its Vadkacsa Inn restaurant in the spring of 2002, which also includes a western-equipped fuel station and a modern truck/car wash. Three months ago, we expanded our company's profile and began engaging in freight transportation as well. Currently, we are operating this activity with two vehicles: 1 unit VOLVO trailer dump truck (platform size: 2x7.2 m; height 160 cm) and 1 unit VOLVO curtain-sided truck. We plan to further expand our fleet, and the acquisition of
joined more than 18 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information


Hungary 2376 Hernád FÕ U 160
2006-ban alakultam feleségemmel ketten vagyunk tulajdonosok belföldi árúfuvarozással foglalkozom egy 7.5t ösztömegû 3.5 hasznos sújú autónk-van gépjármû 7.2 hosszú 2.7 magas-plató ha felkeltettem érdeklõdését kérem hívjon 30-224-8422 JÓRI ZOLTÁN
joined more than 15 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Easy-Truck Kft

Hungary 6070 Izsák Szabadság tér 30
Our company was established in 2006. We specialize in express transportation with vans and light trucks (7.5t gross weight). Initially, we started with one van, and today we have seven vehicles at our clients' disposal.

European Freight Exchange freight transport request platform