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joined more than 4 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Ban Tamás

Hungary Kecskemét, 6044 Magyarország
Ban Tamás vállalkozás Több, mint 2 éve csatlakozott a European Freight Exchange fuvarozási üzletkötő platformhoz. A partner megbízhatósági osztályzata: nincs negatív információ. Árufuvarozás, szállítmányozás, szolgáltatások elvégzésében van tapasztalatuk. Elérhetőség: Kecskemét, 6044 Magyarország, telefonszám: 06302783358, e-mail cím: [email protected]. A bemutatkozásuk így hangzik: Szállítás 40t szerelvényekkel ömlesztett és raklapos árukat . A vállalkozás a következő hivatkozás alatt érhető el a Fuvarbörzén: https://fuvarborze.hu/fuvarozó/35380
joined more than 11 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Kiss Gábor E.V.

Hungary Budapest
We are at your service for domestic and EU transportation. We always agree on our rates in advance, so you can calculate a fixed amount with no surprises after the transportation is completed. We do not charge for departure, waiting, assessment, or holiday fees, so you will not face unpleasant surprises when it comes to payment. Our rates are the most affordable; within our freight services, we handle the following for individuals and businesses in Hungary and EU member states: - domestic transportation,
joined over 7 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Viski Mónika EV.

Transportation throughout Europe
joined more than 15 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Spedorigo Kft.

Hungary 6090 Kunszentmiklós, Damjanich u. 46.
Full Truck Loads (FTL) Is your shipment urgent, or do you simply not want it transported with other goods? It’s not a problem if you only want to transport a smaller quantity! Regardless of the size of the shipment, we recommend the optimal vehicle size for you! Less Than Truck Loads (LTL) Is your shipment not a full truckload? No problem if it is okay to transport it along with other goods! Is price important? We offer services for partial load transportation at competitive rates and yet
joined over 5 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information


Hungary Tác, Magyarország
  Company History       Our company, Krizsó-Kontra Ltd., was established in July 2018 as a 100% Hungarian-owned company with a registered office in Tócs. The company was founded as a family business with one SCANIA 40-ton tractor unit, primarily handling transportation tasks related to road construction. By the end of 2020, we aim to expand our fleet with additional vehicles in all categories, ensuring that we serve the interests of our clients efficiently, diversely, and
joined over 8 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

kajtár szilvia e.v.

Get to know our company, which has been at the service of clients since 2016, catering to various transportation needs. Our business is a wholly Hungarian-owned company, whose staff are reliable and have been selected with special attention during their hiring process. A long-term mindset, continuous developments, and expansions characterize our ownership approach, which is essential in cases where we talk about professionalism and reliability. With a continuous renewal perspective, we align with
joined more than 16 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Ép-szig 2007 Kft

Hungary 2030 Érd Szövõ u. 21
Moving, transportation, furniture delivery, waste removal, international moving, international transportation, hassle-free moving abroad. We are available with experienced and meticulous movers and new trucks. Our trucks are equipped with the necessary tools, securing devices, and packing materials for international moving and freight transport. We offer furniture assembly, packing, and unpacking services upon request. We will place the furniture in the desired location. If necessary, we can also
joined over 7 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Awatch Eurotime Kft.

Cégünk 2016-ban alakult. 2016 júliusa óta foglalkozik árufuvarozással,  több nagyobb piacvezető cég megbízásait teljesítjük belföldön és az Európai Unióban pl: CEVA Logistics; SAMER & Co Shipping... Várjuk leendő ügyfeleink megkeresését!
joined more than 18 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Bogi Sped Bt.

Hungary 2066 Újbarok Fõ u 55
Egyéni vállalkozásból alakult cég 1992 óta vesz részt a belföldi, és késõbb a nemzetközi fuvarozás, szállítmányozás területén. Fõ profil a költöztetés, és a hozzá kapcsolódó szolgáltatások, csomagolás, bútorszerelés, raktározás stb.
joined more than 15 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Herencsár Attila Béla

Hungary Siófok
Nemzetközi fuvarozás 13M3-es Fiat Ducató dobozos furgonnal.
joined more than 15 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Hygesia s.r.o.

Slovakia Matú¹kovská 881, 924 00 Galanta, Slovakia
Cégünk 1991. május 1-én alakult, 100%-ban magyar tulajdonú kft.Ügyvezetõ és tulajdonos Sulyák Jenõ. A cég fõbb tevékenységei:Nemzetközi fuvarozás,belföldi fuvarozás, fuvarszerzõi iroda saját részre, kül.és belkereskedelem,logisztikai raktározás,ingatlan ügynökség, beruházás. Gépjármûparkunk 10 ponyvás mega és 4 frigós kocsiból áll. Mindegyik autó GPS követõrendszerrel van ellátva. Ponyvás autóinkon riasztós biztonsági háló van felszerelve. A gépkocsik
joined more than 11 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information


Hungary Baja, Téglás u. 6, Magyarország
The Freight Exchange offers another great free service to assist its partner providers: Now you can *acquire your own domain name and website for free! Why is it worth maintaining your own domain name / website (e.g., www.yourexamplefreightforwarder.com)? - Your Freight Exchange profile thus functions as a great, yet free website where you can easily and at any time modify your data, your introduction - You can display the memorable domain on your vehicles, making it easy to advertise yourself -
joined over 9 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

F-Trans Kft

Hungary Kistarcsa, Nagytarcsai ut 4.
Our company has been operating as a family business since 1993. We have been involved in machinery transport and oversized deliveries. With minor developments at a leased site, we have advanced towards the transportation of bulk goods. With our fleet and well-trained staff, we have aimed to serve the contractors of the road construction market at all times. Our activities and thus our revenue have grown by supplying construction projects with a complete (the best and most cost-effective materials)

European Freight Exchange freight transport request platform