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List of Freight Exchange Partners Related to the Search

joined over 5 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Fuvart keresek

Hungary Beremend, Magyarország
joined over 9 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Kimid Bt.

Hungary 1173 Budapest, Tápió utca 7.
Szállítás: belföld, Németország, Benelux, Románia, Csehország
joined more than 2 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Krogger spedition

Hungary Wien, Ausztria
kontenerszallitasra keresunk alszällitmanyozot, becsi felrakoval, 1.       Tatabanya 2800 2.       Komárom 2900 3.       Tata 2835 4.       Szombathely 5.       Kornye 2851 6.       Hegyeshalom 9222 Lebeny... lerakoval
joined more than 11 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Koloszár József ev.

Hungary Kunszentmiklós, Kossuth Lajos u. 36.
13,6-os rolóponyvás daruzható nyerges autókra keresek állandó jellegû munkát Dunaújváros, Budapest térségébõl, Csehországba, Ausztriába, ill. Olaszországba.
joined over 13 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information


Albania Zalaegerszeg
My company's main activity is international transport. I am currently traveling on the Passau-Frankfurt-Dortmund-Cologne route and I am looking for freight that can be transported as part-loads. There is usually 3-4 pallets of empty space available, sometimes 5, with a permissible weight of 800-1000 kg. I also accept full loads at a fair price. For inquiries, please contact me by phone or email.
joined more than 15 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information


Our company, which has a history of more than a decade, has been providing comprehensive moving, parcel shipping, and freight transport services in Europe - in both England and Hungary since 2003. Although we have undergone several name and branding changes since our inception, our goal has remained the same: to offer reliable service and comprehensive administration for those who wish to transport their valuables quickly and safely from one place to another. Our business started in Budapest, where
joined over 5 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information


Hungary Debrecen, Magyarország
Dear advertisers, In 2013-2014, I was engaged in pallet transport on the Spain-Portugal route, but only as a driver. Between 2015-2018, I was operating as a driver on the HU-AT-D route, covering 6000 km weekly, which took 4 days, but I was still just a driver. To this day, I continue to drive, but now only domestically, and the passenger number is very low. That is why I want to switch to pallet transport. Currently, I am only involved domestically, and from next summer, I would like to
joined more than 14 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information


Hungary 2903 Komárom, Toboz utca 14.
Cégem 1,2 Ford Transit zárt tgk.-val vállal belföldi árufuvarozást az ország egész területén, Komárom-Esztergom Megyei felrakóval vagy lerakóval.
joined more than 16 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Branaldi kft

Hungary H-1222 Budapest, Háros u. 7.
Cégünk csehországi anyacégétõl (Prága mellett - Brandys nad Labembõl) szállít folyamatosan, heti általában 3 alkalommal Budapestre saját árut, ezért keresünk Budapestbõl Prágába irányuló visszfuvarokat.
joined more than 16 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Nagy Nád 97 Kft

Hungary H-4060 Balmazújváros, Móricz zs. u. 11.
Nagy Nád 97 Kft Szállítmányozás és nagykereskedelem. Telehelyünk, irodánk: Balmazújváros, Virágoskút 2.
joined more than 17 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Delicatess Center KFT

Hungary 2900. Komárom, Balaton u. 17.
Our company has been offering transportation services for various products (based on orders) in addition to our existing activities (comprehensive delivery of bakery products) since November 1, 2007, in domestic and surrounding countries (Germany, Slovenia, Romania, Ukraine). Our fleet consists of the following vehicles: 2 units of Citroen Jumper 2.8 HDI rectangular box body (15 cbm cargo space) light commercial vehicles from December 2004, and 1 unit of Citroen Jumper 2.8 HDI van (12 cbm cargo space)
joined more than 17 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Falusi Pékség BT

Hungary 2900.Komárom, Balaton u. 17
Cégünk vállalja hûtés nélküli termékek gyors és szakszerû szállítását. Gépjármû parkunk 2004.12. évjáratú 12 és 15 kbm-es rakterû gépjármûvekbõl tevõdik össze.
joined more than 16 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Józsa T.Trans Kft

Hungary 2900 Komárom,Igmándi ut 12
Józsa T.Trans Kft vállalkozás Több, mint 15 éve csatlakozott a European Freight Exchange fuvarozási üzletkötő platformhoz. A partner megbízhatósági osztályzata: nincs negatív információ. Árufuvarozás, szállítmányozás, szolgáltatások elvégzésében van tapasztalatuk. Elérhetőség: 2900 Komárom,Igmándi Ut 12, telefonszám: +36309478920, e-mail cím: [email protected]. A bemutatkozásuk így hangzik: Nemzetközi fuvarok . A vállalkozás a következő hivatkozás alatt érhető el a Fuvarbörzén: https://fuvarborze.hu/fuvarozó/1686

European Freight Exchange freight transport request platform