joined more than 1 year ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Pálma Pest

Hungary Budapest, Régi Fóti út 41, 1152 Magyarország
joined more than 17 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Juhász István egyéni vállalkozó

Hungary 2143,Kistarcsa,Malom u.8.
A lehetõ legolcsóbb szállítmányozás gyorsan, rugalmasan, a megrendelõhöz alkalmazkodva.
joined more than 16 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Bíró Sándor

Hungary 5100 Jászberény
I offer transportation with a 12-ton articulated truck in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Heves, and Pest counties!
joined over 9 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
glcMEDIA Kft
Gyakori szabad raktérrel rendelkezünk pest megyében
joined more than 4 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Farkas Ház Bau Kft.
Hungary 2360 Gyál Wesselényi utca 40.
Our company undertakes the transportation of bulk goods in Pest County and Budapest. Whether it is gravel, sand or pebbles. Our 40-ton, 5-axle truck is ready to transport bulk goods. The transported goods can reach up to 27.5 tons.
joined more than 14 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

from basement to attic
waste transport /bagged/
material handling
loading work
warehouse relocation
immediate service
every day of the week
in all districts of Budapest
from Budapest to the countryside
from Pest County to Budapest
from Pest County to the countryside
Appointment scheduling:
from 7 AM to 8 PM
joined over 13 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Haász Ákos ev.

Hungary 2038 Sóskút,Alsózselléri u 2465/2 hrsz.
Transport with us, Budapest, Pest County, nationwide, with loading services as needed, even on weekends, upon agreement, with a guarantee.
We offer: residential-office relocations, targeted-round-trip-return-delivery-pallet transportation. We work with box trucks with tail lifts, capable of sealing, for palletized goods from 1-17 euro pallets, with load capacities from 100 kg to 4500 kg.
joined more than 18 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Czicza Gábor árufuvarozó

Hungary 8200.Veszprém
Czicza Gábor freight transport company has been a member of the European Freight Exchange freight brokerage platform for over 16 years. The partner's reliability rating: no negative information. They have experience in cargo transport and logistics services. Contact information: 8200 Veszprém, phone number: 06302884200, email address:
[email protected]. Their introduction states: I would take on domestic freight transport for 1 unit of 1.5-2 tons. The company can be found at the following link on Fuvarbörze:ó/88
joined more than 16 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Balogh József

Hungary Pécs
13,5t raksúlyú szerelvénnyel munkát vállalnék az ország egész területén
saját tulajdonban lévõ teherautómmal.
joined more than 15 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Ladislav Czirák

Slovakia Baloò 250
3,5 tonnás IVECO DAILY 17,5 m3-es kisteherautóval vállalnék országon belül és nemzetközi áruszállítást.
joined over 13 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Molnár International Transport

Hungary Mosonmagyaróvár
Több darab Renault Master L3H2 furgonnal fix vagy alkalmi munkákat vállalnék belföldön, külföldön egyaránt.
1991 óta foglalkozom áruszállítással.
Rendelkezem mindenféle rögzítõeszközzel, CMR biztosítással, nagy belföldi és európai helyismerettel.
joined more than 11 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Szénási Krisztián

Hungary Monor
I would take outward transport for the Baia Mare region in Romania. I can transport 1200 kg, there is a box with dimensions 2x2x4 m on the truck. Only outward transport is possible, I bring my own goods inwards. I usually have shipments there about once a week or every two weeks.
joined more than 10 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Bokor László Csaba E.V

Hungary Tatabánya
I would like to take transport assignments with my closed Renault Master van! I can transport anything up to 2 tons, even for round trips.