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Starting a transport company requires the following: * Carrier license * Carrier card * Carrier insurance * Carrier invoice * Carrier bank account * Carrier website * Carrier marketing * Carrier customer service The carrier license is issued by the National Transport Authority (NKH). The carrier card must be linked to the carrier license. The carrier insurance protects the carrier and the transported goods from damages. The carrier invoice records the contract between the carrier and the client. The carrier bank account facilitates the carrier's financial transactions. The carrier website presents the services of the carrier to potential clients. Carrier marketing promotes the carrier's services among potential clients. Carrier customer service assists the carrier's clients throughout the transportation process. Starting a transport company is not an easy task, but if all necessary steps are taken, it can be successful.

If you are looking for a carrier, you can easily, quickly, and without obligation obtain quotes from carriers through the Freight Exchange. By posting transportation request(s), you can save time and money. You can compare the received quotes and, if applicable, accept the best offer.

Request for transportation quote Cargo transportation (pallets, boxes, etc.) Transport of goods and equipment Car Transport Moving

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List of Freight Exchange Partners Related to the Search

joined more than 16 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Porkoláb Trans Egyéni Cég

Hungary Derecske
joined over 8 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information


Nemzetközi és belföldi viszonylatban jártas, több mint 20 éves tapasztalattal és fuvarozói múlttal rendelkezünk. Több saját nyerges vontatóval végeztünk nemzetközi viszonylatban állandó megbízónak fuvarozói tevékenységet. Jelenleg belföldön fuvarozunk állandó megbízónak, emellett fuvarszervezést is ellát
joined over 7 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Validus Trans Kft

The Validus Trans Kft offers comprehensive coverage for its road services, distinguishing three different types of services: groupage transportation, full and partial loads, and individual express shipments. We provide personalized services for our clients, taking into account the expected transit time and the specifications of their products. V-Services •             transportation of full and partial loads, comprehensive management
joined more than 11 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information


Hungary Baja, Téglás u. 6, Magyarország
The Freight Exchange offers another great free service to assist its partner providers: Now you can *acquire your own domain name and website for free! Why is it worth maintaining your own domain name / website (e.g., www.yourexamplefreightforwarder.com)? - Your Freight Exchange profile thus functions as a great, yet free website where you can easily and at any time modify your data, your introduction - You can display the memorable domain on your vehicles, making it easy to advertise yourself -
joined over 5 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Császárfa Kertészet Bt

Hungary Borsfa, Petőfi utca 31, 8885 Magyarország
Dabi Trans is a family business engaged in domestic and international transportation within the EU, headquartered in Székesfehérvár. Our location is advantageous for you as a client and for us as a carrier, as the country's key industrial areas and cities can be easily and quickly accessed from here. This saves you time and money. With our vehicles weighing a total of 3.5 tons, we are happy to undertake not only domestic freight transport but also international transportation within the
joined over 8 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Tycoon Transz Kft.

Dear Future Partner! My name is Attila Varga, the Managing Director of Tycoon Transz Ltd. I would like to briefly introduce the establishment of Tycoon Transz Ltd. Our company is based on family roots, which was founded to satisfy your orders. Initially, we focused on executing construction orders in Sweden and England, and then our contracts continually expanded. Thanks to this, our annual orders move significant cargo volume, and in the interest of optimizing costs, we started our operations
joined over 9 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Novo Parts Trade Kft.

A Novo Parts Trade Kft. mint alkatrész kereskedõ cég 15 éves múlttal rendelkezik a Magyar és nemzetközi piacon. Vevõ centrikus, szakmailag jól képzett, fiatal csapattal várjuk kedves vevõinket minden üzletünkben. Termékválasztékunk egyedülállóan széles beszerzési lehetõségeket kínál minden gyártónak vagy forgalmazónak, automata
joined for over 12 years | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Szegõ és Társa Trans Kft

Hungary 1119.Budapest Etele út 12.
We are a transport company based in Budapest, with a fleet of 30 owned vehicles. Our vehicles range from 1 to 24 tons, including open, tarp-covered, and crane trucks.
joined more than 10 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information


Hungary 2045 Törökbálint Bajcsy Zsillinszky út 95
We are a small transport company that is fast, accurate, and flexible, primarily seeking work for our lift-gate vans.
joined over 8 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Berki Viktor -költöztető, fuvarozó

If you are moving now, you are in the best place!  With my company launched in early 2016, I set the goal to assist my clients through a tiring and stressful life situation.  If you trust me with the relocation of your apartment, you can also enjoy a hassle-free move! Sit back on your sofa and watch us fill your apartment with your furniture and all other belongings!  The transportation is carried out with a fully enclosed Fiat Ducato Maxi type truck with a capacity of 3.5 tons.
joined over 7 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Olinera Kft

 Introduction Are you looking for a reliable, trustworthy partner with extensive experience in international logistics, focused on customer satisfaction? You will find exactly these values in our steadily operating company! Our wide range of road transportation services includes the organization of full loads, partial loads, and groupage shipments. Even better! If you have goods that cannot be delivered using traditional methods or within standard frameworks, we can assist you with that as
joined over 13 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Kõkövi trans kft

I am looking for work with reliable drivers and vehicles with several years of transportation experience, including permanent contracts if possible. I have 1 curtain-sided van and 3 box vans. I have been working for several years in logistics, from whom references can be requested.
joined for over 12 years | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Kontaktker 2005 Bt.

Our company was established in Kecskemét in 2005. In the first years, we only transported our own goods, but thanks to our network of contacts, there has been a demand for freight transportation for a fee as well. The primary focus of Kontakt-Trans is to enhance the service we provide to our clients, ensuring that we meet the constantly changing and evolving market demands and special requirements. A key element of our business policy is not only fast, accurate, and reliable service but also the

FuvarBörze freight transport request platform